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The English I've Learned in Amazing Talker

Cover Image for The English I've Learned in Amazing Talker
Chen Han
Chen Han

From Teacher

  • 【學生程度與目標評估】 目前程度:中級 學習目標:C1: 高級 學習需求:自我提升 【建議課程安排】 上課頻率 (每週):1堂 課程時長:50分鐘 階段性目標建議堂數:20堂課 開始上課日期:暫不排定上課時間 加強項目:單字、口說 【學習建議】 Thank you for showing interest in my course Han. It's fun to talk to you. If you have further questions then drop your message in the chat box. Happy 2023! Notes: Still has obstacles for communication. Still has communication barrier. Everyone think it's the champion is Chainsaw Man. Everyone thinks Chainsaw Man is the top rank but ...

  • 【學生程度與目標評估】 目前程度:中級 學習目標:C2: 精通 學習需求:自我提升 【建議課程安排】 上課頻率 (每週):2堂 課程時長:25分鐘 階段性目標建議堂數:20堂課 開始上課日期:暫不排定上課時間 加強項目:單字、口說、發音、聽力 【學習建議】

    I think your comprehension was very good. You will develop confidence and polish with more practice. There are small errors made with pronunciation and sentence structure that can be corrected by reviewing the videos and following corrections offered. Please continue using YouTube as a source of educational practice to come prepared for our topical discussions! Nice chatting! Talk soon!

  • 【學生程度與目標評估】 目前程度:初級 學習目標:B2: 中高級 學習需求:日常應用 【建議課程安排】 上課頻率 (每週):2堂 課程時長:25分鐘 階段性目標建議堂數:20堂課 開始上課日期:暫不排定上課時間 加強項目:單字、文法、口說、閱讀、寫作、發音、聽力 【學習建議】

    Hi Han, thanks for choosing to have a trial lesson with me today. Following on from our class, I think your English speaking level is of a high standard, there were a few grammar mistakes but nothing too serious and can easily be bettered. As you said in the lesson, you want to improve your grammar, vocab and conversation skills. You're interested in a number of topics (Everyday English, Culture, Food) and wish to practice/feel more confident when speaking with others. I have a lot of experience and materials to help you reach your goals. Homework is also recommended for you so you can practice/study out of class. Also, once students sign up to my class I will share my whatsapp, Kakao Talk, line or wechat with them to discuss any English related issues they may have 😊 My door is always open 😁👍


  • Thank you for attending your first lesson tonight Han. As you requested, I'll correct your grammar lapses if needed. Please review what we learned tonight and see you on our next class.

  • TOPIC: Catching Up I'm developer. I'm A developer.

  • I usually slept very short. I usually SLEEP for a very short time.

  • One of my intimate coworker, he likes to see One of my CLOSEST coworkers, he likes to see ..

  • Vocabulary: burn bridge - to cut of the relationship [permanently]

    ex: My mom told me never to burn brdiges with my ex-coworkers because I might need their help in the future.

    ex: I'm a bit passive so I naturally/unconsciously burn bridges with my ex-colleagues.

  • in the loop - to be aware of something [important stuff] ex: I stay in the loop by chatting with my foreign coworkers on a daily basis.

  • I bring new friends to my old friends. I INTRODUCED my new friend to my old friend.


make a sentence using "in the loop" and "bump into someone"


I must say, 25 minutes is very short for me. It's restrictive because I want to chat and learn simultaneously. It isn't contradictory, but I'm not able to fly words out natively. Alma was the first teacher I bumped into when I was new to Amazing Talker. She came across as a blunt dude, and I hit it off with her after a trial lesson. I'll be in a loop about the common usage, phrasal verbs, and slang words that come out from my teacher and my colleagues in the American office.

What is "in a loop"

"In the loop" is an idiomatic phrase that means to be informed or included in something, especially when it comes to important decisions or information. When a person is "in the loop," they are aware of what is happening and have access to the necessary information and details. This phrase can be used in both professional and personal contexts and often used to express someone is informed, included and aware of the ongoing situation.

Sure, here are a few examples of how "in a loop" can be used in different contexts:

  1. In a computer programming context, a "loop" is a control flow statement that allows a certain block of code to be executed repeatedly. For example, a programmer might use a "for loop" to iterate through a list of items and perform the same operation on each one.
  2. In a business context, a person might say "I'm in a loop" when they are in the middle of a process that is repeating itself. For example, a salesperson might be in a loop of trying to close a deal, following up with a client, getting rejected, and then going back to the beginning of the process.
  3. In a personal context, a person might say "I'm in a loop" when they are stuck in a pattern of behavior that is repeating itself and they can't get out of it. For example, someone who is struggling with addiction might say "I'm in a loop of using drugs and then feeling guilty, but then using again."
  4. In a musical context, a "loop" is a repeating section of music or sound and it can be used in different ways. A musician might use a "loop" to create a background rhythm or melody.
  5. In a communication context, "in a loop" means that the same information is being passed around to multiple people, with no new information coming in or out. For example, if a company is having a meeting, and the same information is being discussed over and over again, one of the attendees might say "we are in a loop" to express the meeting is not productive.


There's a silent rule of "too much of anything/everything is not good" never use two to three metaphors/idioms in one statement. u can use it as an opening line, a punchline, or a conclusion ex: Remember John? I burn bridges with him after highschool grad so it was awkward to see him in the reunion. (opening a conversation) Then, avoid using metaphors/idioms in your next two to four sentences. speak casually. ex: Yeah we had a petty fight but you know "I gotta buckle up" so I used that as an excuse to not contact with him anymore so i can focus on my studies. (punchline) etc...


  • eyelid monolid / double lid

  • I wasn't taking that in the first place.

    Correction: I wasn't THINKING much about that in the first place.

  • Why do you want to put ink on your skin?

  • BETTER: Why do you want to GET INKED?

  • You just want a simple tattoo shape. You just want a simple tattoo DESIGN.

  • You will pass my .. Then you will get my approval.

  • philippines


It feels like 25 minutes is not sufficient for my needs. I have difficulty smoothly narrating scenarios and require more time for that. I am always mindful of the deadline, so I plan to take a 50-minute course next time to determine if it is a better fit for me or if I am just comfortable with my current time frame.

Narrating things in a timeline is also an important aspect.

I appreciate that Alma always puts herself in my shoes, but I wish she would take a more assertive leadership role.


Thank you for taking tonight's lesson Han. Let's have more roleplays for you to simulate a real life English set up. Have a great night.

  • TOPIC: Cost of Living Grammar Notes: My age is just growing up but my behaviour .. My age keeps INCREASING but my behavior stayed the same.

  • I think of same thing but I'm too lazy. I THOUGHT of the same thing but I'm too lazy.

  • My goal is to accustomed to American speak.

    My goal is to GET accustomed to American speaking speed.

  • VOCABULARY: to cost an arm and a leg [kaws-ta-nar-man-da-leg ] costs a fortune

    ex: Living in NYC might costs a fortune for me. the city that never sleeps

  • Dirt cheap

  • severe issue BETTER: - IN the worst case scenario OR an urgent matter -

  • ROLEPLAY NOTES: If I go to a booth then it is cheap. If I go to the SIDE-STREET then it is cheap.

  • If you're okay to hang out with me at some clubs then .. [remember I'm from Taiwan in this roleplay]

  • I'm not really earn a lot. I don't really earn that much.



I appreciated Alma be willing to focus on what I was trying to say. Whenever I replayed the video and i just wanted to shut down, and eventually i clicked play and pause for humongous amount of time. The progress bar is advancing very slowly. Every time before I speak, I always overthink, which leads to not being able to speak calmly or stammering. I know I need to speak slower before I speak. I am happy for my first 50 minutes lesson but on the other hand, but it is painful for seeing the lecture. The level of painfulness is higher than the happiness.

I had a glamorous moment when trying to blend the idiomatic expression 'to cost an arm and a leg.' at the lesson. It was begun after my teacher Alma attempting to spell it phonetically as 'kaws-ta-nar-man-da-leg' and it was just ... threwing me off. I think that is essentially different when it comes to speaking Chinese and English so I need to pronounciation practice.

I always learned a lot from replaying the conversation. I know i have a lot to improve like i need to be more confident, stop miscellaneous ahhh like uhhh? uhhh!!! uh... uhh(w/ airy), stop saying "yes" for a pat on the back, stop repeating after i aware of i already do this, try not to make a new sentences before finishing the sentences, and don't panic to say the wrong sentences because I already make a lot of semantical and grammatical errors. If i keep moving on it will then make teacher easier the pinpoint the wrong and improve my fluency. I can't master overnight so I need to do a trade off. If I want to improve my fluency in the first place I need to focus on my manner, my intonation and reaction.

There are some pros for replaying the conversation. In my case, I knew what i thought when I speak and Alma help me to complete them like I have an ambiguous impression of the word "jwelry". Alma help me to complete this word and I remember. Another example is when I tried to say the word "booth", another similar word "broth" came to my mind and they were fighting in my mind. Just like "dumbell" and "dumpling". They are two distinct words but for me it's similar because of its phonic.

Also I can related to what I've learned before like today's lesson the word dirt cheap. I was so curious whether "dirt" is the same meaning as the word "flipping" when describing the degree and I connect the new word to the old word I've learned before.

Lastly, native speakers like Alma tend to put slang into the sentence naturally and we learners can pick from it. On the other hand in my observation, they also rephrase automatically in another way when they aware the person cannot get it. In this lesson Alma said "get a hang of it", "drop your mind", which i'm not used before.

By the way I just want to convey "Different price levels in different countries", and I use lots of words like "blah blah affordable ..." in the last couple minutes so it reflect on me that I need to not only do i need to read, i need to reherse especially when there is a roleplaying segment

Revised version

During my lesson with Alma, I was grateful for her willingness to focus on what I was trying to say. Watching the video replay was difficult for me as I constantly wanted to shut it off. I frequently pausing and replaying because i really shame on myself when hearing my own voice lol. The progress bar move very slowly. Before speaking, I often overthink which leads to not being able to speak calmly or stuttering. I realize that I need to slow down before speaking. While I am happy with my first 50-minute lesson, it was also painful to watch the lecture recording. Feeling like time is passing very slowly. The level of pain was greater than the happiness.

I had a glamorous moment when trying to blend the idiomatic expression 'to cost an arm and a leg.' at the lesson. It was begun after my teacher Alma attempting to spell it phonetically as 'kaws-ta-nar-man-da-leg' and it was just ... threwing me off. I recognize that there is a significant difference when it comes to speaking Chinese and English, so I need to focus on pronunciation practice.

Replaying the conversation has been valuable for me as it allows me to learn from my mistakes. I know that I need to improve my confidence, stop using filler words like "cool" and "uhhh? uhhh!!! uh... uhh (with airy sound)," stop repeating myself, work on not interrupting myself, stop speaking about my own thoughts when I am roleplaying to avoid diverging from the character's story, and not panic when I make errors as I have already made many mistakes. I realize that mastering fluency overnight is not possible and that I need to make trade-offs. To improve my fluency, I need to focus on my mannerisms, intonation, and reactions instead of grammar and minor mistakes.

There are also benefits to replaying the conversation. For example, Alma helped me to clarify an ambiguous word I had, such as "jewelry." I only remembered the front part "jewel" and had forgotten "r-y," and Alma helped me to complete the word and I remember it now. Additionally, when I was trying to say "booth," another similar word "broth" came to mind and it was difficult for me to distinguish between them. These are two distinct words, but they sound similar to me, and Alma helped me to say the word correctly and I eventually remember it.

By the way I just want to convey "Different price levels in different countries" is clear and concise at the last moment. It's good to note that using extra words like "blah blah affordable..." during roleplaying take away so much time. It is important for me to practice and rehearse to improve fluency and avoid unnecessary words before the next lesson start.


Thanks Han! Always cool to chat with you. We'll choose a much more serious topic next time so we wont get crow's feet together.

  • I need to borrow my coworker quota.
  • I need to borrow my teammates extra luggage space.


  • hit the road - to start going somewhere ex: Today I hit the road to Tainan to visit my girlfriend's father side. the way to a man's heart is through his stomach

  • to travel light - ex: Peter has been to many countries already so for this trip, he decided to just travel light.

  • to steer clear of - ex: Our tour guide told us to steer clear of the street food in Cebu.

  • stroll around

  • They have an argue about this point.

    They have an ARGUMENT about this point.

  • Mia just has kindness to stranger especially to a man.

    Mia is just KIND to strangers especially to MEN.

  • He want to take memory.


  • For the place we live, I also discuss this with my girlfriend.

    For our ACCOMMODATION, I also discuss this with my girlfriend.


I'm still on my journey of learning English. I don't need to care about any issue I come across. I am on board with Alma's way of encouraging me and also appreciate that. My next goal is to not lose track of every word that teacher said and to stop grinning foolishly after a sentence...


  • I keep myself open/blunt, and see who wants to seal the deal. If you don't like to befriend with me just gogogo
  • I've never cheated on my girlfriend but I've had trying to do that in our 7th year.
  • Mostly my friends know I have a girlfriend so that all keep that in mind and don't have any thought of crossing the line.
  • At that moment she was busy at work and for me it seems like somewhat indifferent. I felt I was set aside so often like I have relationship with you but I felt so lonely.
  • Simultaneously, one of my female friends kept contact with me day in and day out, not exaggerated.
  • Long story short. We have chemistry in between which I relutant to. I even told with my friend crying.
  • It tore me apart at that moment.
  • After that we've consolidated a better connection/relationship. It just a big misunderstanding
  • Still there are some female friend attracts me but it's not worth a shot


Thanks Han! I enjoyed our conversation as usual. Try to lead the roleplay next time and play it in your head so you won't lose track during the actual dialogue.

I KEEP SAYING ON a long distance relationship, let me correct myself : it should be "IN a long distance relationship ... "

TOPIC: Long Distance Relationship Vocabulary :

  • to be open with ex: I keep opening up with someone who wants to be friends with me.
  • open book - a person or thing that is easily understood or interpreted.
  • cheat on someone - to be unfaithful make it work

Grammar notes:

  • I feel like we have a chemistry between.

    I feel like there's a chemistry between us.

  • We eventually across that time.

    We eventually passed that phase.

  • We need to make a consensus.

    We need to agree with each other, meet halfway and set some conditons. [more natural] [consensus is often use in business]


  • Are you open with everyone in your family?

    Nope but I'll and I'm now trying do work with that since my mother keep sharing me her life and I'm not supposed to ignore my mom.

    Nope but I’m trying to work on it with my mom because she keeps sharing with me her life’s updates and I know I’m not supposed to ignore her.

  • Are you open with your friends?

    Literally! I still want to say it is different from in what degree I cherish my friends (I'm not really cherish most of my friends). I nearly let my friends know my situations like I have no mindsets of privacy

    Literally - means you are doing it exactly what the word implies like “OPEN” could mean “naked”

    Absolutely! I still want to say that it is different based on what degree I cherish my friends (I DON’T really cherish most of my friends). I MOSTLY let my friends know my situation like I have no SENSE of privacy.

  • Are you open with your coworkers/classmates?

    Certainly! I know there are varieties of people around, there are different ways to interact with the different individuals. I remember during the business trip, we have no choice but live together, at that moment I had lots of chances to know them more. (I know they are more reluctant than I do. Most of my mate still want to keep their privacy)

    Some of them give me feedbacks, and tell me their secrets, even some humiliating stuff involved. I don't know what people's thought but at least I can let others know who I am. They can choose to befriend with me or not.

    I know I'm not really good at reading the air so if I let people know me better, I can put less effort to let people know me.

    Certainly! I know there are a variety of people around. There are different ways to interact with the different individuals. I remember during the business trip, we HAD no choice but TO live together. At that moment I had lots of chances to know them more. (I know they are more reluctant than I do. Most of my mates still want to keep their privacy)

    Some of them give me feedback, and tell me their secrets, even some humiliating stuff involved. I don't know people's THOUGHTS but at least I can let others know who I am. They can choose to befriend me or not.

    I know I'm not really good at reading the air so if I let people know me better, I can put less effort into getting people to know me.

    Remark: I like this part the best. The world is too complicated already. So if we can just be easy and nice with one another then the world will be a better place. ^^

  • Can you be open with someone you just met?

    Nope! Unless I make sure others are overall safe, and not aggressive or ego. I have defensive mindset especially the sales

    Nope! Unless I make sure others are overall safe, and not aggressive or egoistic**. I have** A defensive mindset especially IN sales

  • What are some good ways to keep long-distance relationships healthy?

    Believe in each others is a whole key-point in my experience.

    I heard of some clips say to say "I love you", do a hug on a daily basis it's important and I take that. It's hard to on board at the beginning, it may feel ackward or contrived at the beginning, but it'll be more genuine at the end. No theory behind, I just thought of that when I wrote down the answer and added.

    Believing in each other is a whole key-point in my experience.

    I heard some clips say to say "I love you", hug on a daily basis is important and I take that. It's hard to be on board at the beginning, it may feel awkward or contrived, but it'll be more genuine at the end. No theory behind, I just thought of that when I wrote down the answer and added.

  • Do you know anyone who has a successful long-distance relationship?

    I expected some of them had but most of them arounds me broke up lastly. As for those with long-term relationship, there is possibility they'd already sent their love into grave and just together for together, like they need to take responsibility to raise the child or just the addiction and cannot get rid of each other.

    I expected some of them had, but most of the people around me broke up in the end. As for those in a long-term relationship, there is possibility they'd already buried their love into grave and just together for THE SAKE OF togetherness, like they need to take responsibility to raise the child or just the possessiveness and cannot get rid of each other.

  • In what kind of situations would you advise someone to do some soul-searching?

    Everyone should do soul-searching. Everyone need to practice. Bad things is a good entry point for people to familierize soul-searching mindset. Those who have a peaceful or wealthy life is the unluckiest, because these sort of people are incline to be ego or have a lot of assertive opinions in their life and cannot absorb others. It still depends on person, I just mention the majority.

    Everyone should do soul-searching. Everyone needs to practice. Bad things are a good entry point for people to consider having a soul-searching mindset. Those who have a peaceful or a wealthy life are the unluckiest, because these sorts of people are inclined to HAVE A HUGE EGO or have a lot of assertive opinions in their life and cannot absorb others. It still depends on THE person, I’m just the majority.

  • How would you react if your best friend said that he/she needed to do some soul-searching

    I remember with Daniel, I just said I still have obsticle for comprehand what he said and I'm unable to put myself on his shoes. The rest of the time I just listening. I even not really try to give him a real feedback, but whenever he sent me the messages I'll reply.

    When he sent gecko lizard correlated to Van der Waals force. I came up with the hypothesis of how ninja in naruto standing on the tree or ceiling using chakra to mimic van-den waals force; when he sent how people manage their time or he has issue with breakup, I'll give him my feedback but not trying to change Daniel or influence him.

    I'll tell them there is a god exists directly and how it related to our life. At least my friend will listen even though they have another thought.

    I remember with Daniel, I just said I still have obstacles to comprehend what he’s saying and I'm unable to put myself in his shoes. The rest of the time I WAS just listening. I WASN’T even TRYING to give him real feedback, but whenever he sent me the messages I'll reply.

    I'll tell them that God exists and how it relates to our life. At least my friend will listen even though they have OTHER thoughts.


During these lessons, I found Alma has a good memory. She remembers most things I mentioned before. I'm nobody so if teacher Alma treats me well, Alma would treat others like me.

Alma 是用心的老師,在這段上課的時間,發現老師記得很多之前提到的事情 😀 老師會想一下什麼樣的教材適合學生,在今天上的這堂課明顯感受到。

My weakness is the role-playing part, always. When I participate in each role-playing game. It seems like I still proceed to synthesize and stuck there. It's just like a cursor flashing in one place :(



I want to invite a friend to an event this weekend. I want to have Marathon with my friend, and I want to call my friend and convince him/her to join me with

● at the park

● run with your neighbors

● free breakfast afterward

Can you give me a possible conversation if she rejects me

Marathon - part 1

You: Hey, how's it going?

Friend: Hey, good. What's up?

You: Just wanted to check in and see if you're free this weekend. I was thinking of doing the Marathon at the park and wanted to know if you'd be interested in joining me.

Friend: Sorry, I don't think I'm up for it this weekend. I don't really enjoy running.

You: That's okay, no problem. I understand. But it's not just about running, it's a fun community event. You'll get to run with your neighbors and there's even a free breakfast afterward.

Friend: Hmm, that does sound kind of fun.

You: Definitely! It'll be a great way to spend the morning, get some exercise, and enjoy some delicious food. What do you say? Want to give it a shot?

Friend: Alright, I'll give it a try. Sounds like fun!

You: Great! I'm really looking forward to it. See you at the park on Sunday.

"Up for" means willing or ready to do something. In this context, it means your friend is not willing or ready to participate in the marathon event.

Sunday Market

I want to invite a friend to an event this weekend. I want to have Sunday Market with my friend, and I want to call my friend and convince him/her to join me with

  • on the main street
  • buy fresh fruits and vegetables
  • buy clothes and accessories

Sunday Market - part 1

You: Hey, what's up? How are you doing today?

Friend: I'm good, thanks. What's up?

You: I wanted to invite you to join me this weekend at the Sunday Market on the main street. It's going to be a fun day and I would love for you to come along.

Friend: Sorry, I'm not really into markets. They're just not my thing.

You: Oh, that's too bad. Have you ever been to the Sunday Market before? It's actually really cool. You can buy fresh fruits and vegetables and there are also a lot of cool clothes and accessories to buy.

Friend: Hmm, I'm not really interested in buying fresh produce or clothes. It doesn't sound like my kind of thing.

You: Well, that's okay. But don't knock it till you try it. Sometimes trying new things can be a lot of fun and you never know, you might end up enjoying it. Would you be open to giving it a chance?

Friend: I appreciate the invitation, but I think I'll pass this time.

You: No problem. If you change your mind, let me know. I would still love to have you join me.

Sunday Market - part 2

You: Hey, what's up?

Friend: Hey! Not much, what's up with you?

You: I wanted to invite you to an event this weekend. I was thinking of going to the Sunday Market on the main street.

Friend: Hmm, I'm not really into markets and stuff.

You: Oh come on, it'll be fun! You can buy fresh fruits and vegetables and also look for some new clothes and accessories.

Friend: Sorry, I still don't think I'm interested.

You: That's okay, but don't knock it till you try it. It's a great opportunity to check out new things and who knows, you might end up enjoying it.

Friend: Well, I'll think about it. You: That's great! Let me know if you change your mind, I'd love to have you come along. Friend: Sure, I'll let you know.

Note: The friend's response may vary, but the idea is to be persuasive without being pushy and to respect their decision if they still don't want to go

Sunday Market - part 3

You: Hey friend! How are you doing today?

Friend: I'm good, thanks. What's up?

You: I was thinking about heading to the Sunday Market this weekend and wanted to see if you were free to join me.

Friend: Hmm, I'm not sure. I've never been to a Sunday Market before.

You: Oh, you'll love it! There are so many cool things to see and buy there. Fresh fruits and vegetables, clothes, and accessories - you name it!

Friend: I don't know, I'm not much of a market person.

You: That's okay! Just give it a chance. Don't knock it till you try it, right?

Friend: Well, I guess that's true. What time were you thinking?

You: How about we meet up at 11am on the main street?

Friend: Sure, that sounds good. I'll see you then.

You: Great! I can't wait, see you soon!

"you name it!" means what

The expression "you name it!" means that you can ask for anything or request anything you want, and it will be done or provided. It's a way of saying that there are no limits to what you can ask for or what is available. It's often used in a casual, friendly way to encourage someone to take advantage of an opportunity or to make a request. For example, a salesperson might say "You name it! We've got everything you need for your next project." This would mean that the customer can ask for anything they need, and the salesperson will do their best to provide it.


Tell me about the last time you were persuaded by someone.

I'm not sure this is the case or not. I bought a lotion for 2nd cleanser (still don't know why it aims to) with 375 NTD. I was waiting at the bus depot and someone came chatting with me and complimented me like "You don't like as your age, you're like student", and "come off it!" came in my mind.

She said "Just take your 5 minutes. come along with me", and i was taken to their office. it took me almost 1 and half hour. I am brutelly honest said I don't have any mindset of skincare, and she kept trying to persuade me to seal the deal. Originally she want to promote their their program, lastly she just promote me a lotion.

She said "Don't knock it till you try it. You give me and give yourself a chance." Count on she taught me how to correctly wash the face and not just rinsing, and explained how crucial is the water temporture, and also count on the basic salary of an hour is nearly 200 NTD, it is not bad for 375NTD for one and the half hour. I persuaded myself "Why not give myself a shot? For her, it isn't a good deal now.", and she got me.

Now that lotion still laid on my cubicle concealed, but I change my way of washing face. I usually draw back and forth with nose and rest of the part like forhead I draw circle when washing,

And the 2nd last time is for Alma's courses. One of my friend (We'll see tomorrow) do part-time job at MOS burger and he spent 40,0000 NTD of a serious(or suite) of marketing courses. For me that course it's a rip off and for my friend for sure cost an arm and a leg. Every time he show his teacher his traveling photos or the exagratting clothes and I always sarcast him "I bet you contribute a lot during his traveling and wears". On the other hand I think he is brave. I asked him why he bought, he replied to me "why not buying if benefits you".

Compare to him I just unsure if the subsidy would be successfully or not, and 40 lessons cost me nearly 8000-ish. Even though I still think he is just faith jump, my friend still got me and I eventually bought the course for myself as a present. BUT shaking intangible hand during trial lesson also arise my interest. Also confessing some behaviours is by AI and taught me how to tell robot or real man also gradually got me to the course since there are so many teachers at the amazing talker. Big me as sales isn't count because I just want to deflect at that moment.


In each class, we have a role-playing exercise, and I appreciate this part of the class. I have a lot to share, but not always about role-playing exercise. At first, I found it challenging to participate, but after wrestling with it, I preceived a lot of helpful feedback.

At first, I thought my difficulties with the role-playing exercises were due to my lack of experience, and that my performances during each session were weak. However, I began exploring ways to improve, such as how to handle rejections or work on after receiving the acceptance from the other party. During one session, Alma played the part of a socially inactive girl, a role I had not considered before, but which I found to be manageable. Her performance inspired me to approach my English language learning in a new way, similar to how Isagi discovered new ways to solve the puzzle.


  • due to the high rent / because of the expensive rent.

    The phrase "因為租金太貴的關係" in English can be translated as "due to the high rent" or "because of the expensive rent." It suggests that the speaker is facing financial challenges related to the cost of rent, which is too high for them to afford.

    "Suggest" and "imply" are similar in meaning, but they have slightly different connotations. Both words are used to convey an idea indirectly, rather than stating it explicitly. However, "suggest" is typically used when someone is intentionally hinting at or proposing an idea, while "imply" is often used when a meaning is conveyed indirectly without being explicitly stated.

    For example, if someone says "I suggest we try the new Italian restaurant for dinner," they are explicitly offering an idea or recommendation. If someone says "She implied that I was not doing a good job," they are not explicitly saying it, but they are implying it indirectly. So in short, "suggest" is often used to offer an idea or recommendation, while "imply" is often used to convey meaning indirectly without stating it explicitly.

  • Can I say we fixin to move to another spot for 我們準備搬家

    Yes, "we fixin to move to another spot" is an informal or colloquial way of saying "we're getting ready to move to another place" or "we're about to move to a new location". The phrase "fixin to" is a common Southern or African American English dialect phrase that means "getting ready to" or "about to".

  • 燭光比較小 a smaller candlelight

  • I am truly speechless and don't know what to say.

  • I don't know how my dad spent a large sum of money. My dad always use them in other purposes other than renovation.

  • I want to be very clear about every expense

  • 不要把我們拖下水 Don't drag us down with you

  • The phrase "以前的簡訊到一定的數量就需要多付錢" in English can be translated as "In the past, you had to pay extra for text messages beyond a certain limit." It suggests that there was a limit to the number of text messages that could be sent without incurring additional charges. Once that limit was reached, the user had to pay extra for each additional message sent.

  • "I support your joke" in English is a direct translation of "我支持你的笑話". However, a more natural way to say this in English might be "I liked your joke" or "Your joke was funny."

  • multitasking. We all know we need to concentrate, but no one teaches us how to concentrate. How can we practice concentration


Describe a new device which could help a disabled person or a "pathetic" ones

Siri came out my mind when I first saw this question, but it literally not really solve a real life just simple interact with real people, and somewhat a bit lame. From the time being, espectially these 2 years, so many game changing mind-boggling platform appears to the world and they claims it is the beginning. Maybe we can own a personal assistence in near future.

Few years ago, a ted talk about the six-sense had been published, this particular device can tackle the problem with respect to the disabled since it can use the custom six-sense to replace the original lost sense. Some of the celebrities like Stephen Hawking take adventage from the tech gadget - six sense

Also, the voice synthesizer it mentioned at that era is sound contrived, now there are so many ai tool including the built-in iphone and make a natural voice. You can take a look for the natural sound app

Describe a new device which could help a disabled person or a "pathetic" ones

Siri came out my mind when I first saw this question, but it literally not really solve a real life just simple interact with real people, and somewhat a bit lame. From the time being, espectially these 2 years, so many game changing mind-boggling platform appears to the world and they claims it is the beginning. Maybe we can own a personal assistence in near future.

Siri came TO mind when I first saw this question. But it literally DOES NOT really solve real life stuff; just simple interaction with real people, and somewhat a bit lame. From the time being, especially these 2 years, so many game changing mind-boggling platforms ARE LAUNCHED to the world and PEOPLE CLAIM it is the beginning **[**OF WHAT? ]. Maybe we COULD OWN a personal assistant in the near future. [reminded me of CHOBITS] - have you watched this anime?

Few years ago, a ted talk about the six-sense had been published, this particular device can tackle the problem with respect to the disabled since it can use the custom six-sense to replace the original lost sense. Some of the celebrities like Stephen Hawking take adventage from the tech gadget

Few years ago, a TED talk about the six-sense WAS published. This particular device can tackle the problem with respect to the disabled since it can use the custom six-sense to replace the original lost sense. Some of the celebrities like Stephen Hawking TOOK advantage OF the tech gadget - six sense - [Indians are indeed tech-savvy] ^^

Also, the voice synthesizer it mentioned at that era sounded contrived, now there are so many AI tools including the built-in iphone and make a natural voice. You can take a look for the natural sound app


Glad to chat with you tonight Han. I hope you could settle things in your house moving and family "issue". Take your time to think things thoroughly before making a decision. You got this!!!


  • My father want to borrow me a hundred thousand dollars for moving. My father WANTED to borrow A hundred thousand dollars from me for our MOVE.

  • We just check our phone to no matter buying online or .. We INSTANTANEOUSLY check our phone WHATEVER it is we need to do like buying online or chat with friends ... etc.

  • I am now a victim. I am GUILTY OF this bad habit.

  • I'm really late of aware of when that happens. It's really late for me to feel or be AWARE when that happens.

  • I'm an anime people. I'm an ANIME person. [also, I learned the slang word "weeaboo"]


Learn from this course

  • Lexical range

  • Physical attribute

  • emotionally mature ahead of man maybe (probably) for 5 years

  • Your friends still want to meet you up


  • I get the ball rolling

    The correct phrase is "I get the ball rolling," which means to start something or initiate an action.

    If you would like a translation, you could say "我開始了行動" or "我開始了進行某件事情的步驟" in Chinese.

  • Am I too much or am i lacking

  • If you prefer to use the word "frame", you could say "Don't let social frames restrict you" or "Don't be confined by social frames". Also you can say "Don't be framed by social constructs"

  • Is blocker the same as barrier

    In some contexts, the words "blocker" and "barrier" can be used interchangeably to refer to something that prevents progress or access. However, there are also some subtle differences in meaning between the two words.

    "Blocker" often implies something that specifically stops or obstructs the movement or flow of something, such as a physical object, a piece of software that prevents access to certain websites, or a player in sports who prevents the other team from scoring.

    "Barrier", on the other hand, is a more general term that can refer to any obstacle or impediment that stands in the way of progress or access, whether it is physical, social, or psychological. Barriers may include things like language barriers, cultural barriers, social barriers, or emotional barriers, among others.

    In summary, while there is some overlap in the meanings of the two words, "blocker" tends to have a more narrow and specific meaning related to obstruction, while "barrier" is a more general term that encompasses a wider range of obstacles or impediments.

  • 接案子的錢會比較晚下來

    The payment for taking on projects will come later than usual" or "There may be a delay in receiving payment for taking on projects

  • How can I use I’m up for. Can I use up for for preparing to do a small stuff

    "I'm up for" is a common idiom that means "I am willing to do something" or "I am ready to participate in something." It is typically used to express enthusiasm or eagerness to do something.

    You can use "I'm up for" to express your willingness or readiness to do a small task, such as helping someone with a small project or running a quick errand. For example:

    • "Hey, could you help me move this box?" "Sure, I'm up for it."
    • "Do you mind grabbing me a coffee while you're out?" "No problem, I'm up for a quick trip to the coffee shop."

    In general, "I'm up for" is a versatile phrase that can be used in a wide variety of contexts to express your willingness or readiness to do something.

  • Academic refers to the world of education and learning, particularly at the college or university level. It includes the study of various subjects, such as science, history, literature, mathematics, and languages, as well as the pursuit of research and scholarship. Academic pursuits typically involve rigorous study, critical thinking, and the acquisition of knowledge and skills that are relevant to a particular field or discipline.

  • What do people usually say when they said "let me excuse myself"

    "Let me excuse myself" is a polite way to say that you need to leave or depart from a situation or conversation. It can also be used to excuse oneself from a social engagement or event. Other common phrases with a similar meaning include "pardon me," "excuse me," or "if you'll excuse me."

  • Refered ❌

    Referred 🙆


After a lesson, I feel frustrated that I am not capable of completely expressing my self. My thoughts are more than my words. After I saw the video however, it's not so bad overall. I now actively usually record my dancing and it's like sometimes i think the performance is bad for this round but after checking the playback it isn't too bad for that session. I emotionally feel unconfident of certain sessions which doesn't necessarily mean it doesn't behaves bad.

after reflecting on what i've done during the previous lesson and inspired by the following video

I sorted out some directions I can do in the future

  1. When I want to form the body memory. I want to try not using “but“ for having the conversation. My speaking habit is so terrible that I try to use "but" when I overly compliment and overly criticized, and I found I overly compliment and overly criticized, i will use two "but" and swirl 2 times to make my stand neutral. It seems more funky in terms of xxx, but yyy, but zzz and it doesn't perceive as neutralizing my stance obviously

  2. What I want to say when you asked whether I have time recently, and the following video popped up in my mind, and I want to quote what he said “our most valuable resource is focus”, but I was unable to say that since it failed to phrase that simple sentence in my mind in the first place. By the way, the video is at the following and the para I referred to is at 1:18

  3. I also want to reveal the thought process of the word “drop”: Thanks to the playback, it remind me the first time I heard “drop the idea”. My initial guess for this word is like stop carrying on some task, however i'm not 100 sure, and also drop has so many meanings like drop the messages means leave the messages. in that case, it makes me daunting of how to move the conversation forward. I still find way to overcome when i hear the unfamiliar word other than to interrupt and ask

  4. Also in terms of forming the muscle memory, i need to find my own route of the word i use. English unlike Chinese, there are so many ways to combine one thing and I need to pick my own route for my habitual spoken english. For example for the word prepare, it can also says "up for" or "fixin"(regional used). I pick the word first pop up to my mind and it's arbitrary. If I pick certain word as my pet phrase and it may have less brain fart since i don't need to synthesize the sentence before i say. Also it won't have weird pause for having muscle memory. ⬆️ The above is the hypothesis, and i want to prove it after then

  5. The mistake I made or word I’m not sure whether it’s right during the lesson. I don’t have muscle memory for those, so I know for some reason even i know i made a mistake but i couldn't control during the class which makes sense

    • I cannot defy (I need to use deny). I picked the wrong word "defy" since I follow the Ukraine war and I heard a lot of “defy” from CNN and BBC

    • I used the word “unexpected event” to describe the situation that is not anticipated or predicted and not really sure because I haven’t said that before. Now I know it's right for me to say that then I'll use that often

    • for this time you lead first (better to say “take a lead” but I say “lead”)

    • I shared with(❌to) you before

    • Also my gf’s sister is 5 years older than my gf, but everyone regard she is older than (… … [my her sister]). I just brain part for messing up the connection

And thanks Alma for teaching patiently. When i lost confidence or stuck somewhere, Alma makes me feel dauntless. Also I love Alma's accent. I will pick Alma as my role model to form my own accent as muscle memory.


Government have the competition. The government is holding a competition about ...

I was also frustrate about his response. I was also FRUSTRATED about his response


  • to have all the time in the world

  • better late than never

  • in due course

The key of effective time is .. The key to time efficiency is ..

If you can concentrate to manage your time then it will be your time.
If you can FOCUS ON MANAGING your time then it will be your time.

Most people envy of what other's life. Most people ENVY OTHER PEOPLE'S life.

I don't want the language to be the blocker. I don't want the language to be the BARRIER/HINDRANCE ..


Free Conversation about moving and learning English

  • I have never sit down with my mother during eating. I have never SAT down with my mother
  • Me and my mother have emotion fluctuate about the moving. Me and my mother were like having mixed emotions about moving.
    or Me and my mother were in an emotional rollercoaster during the moving process.
  • We talked about internal thoughts and that feels good. We talked about our INNER/GENUINE thoughts and that FELT good.


一直以來都覺得老師在專業上很用心,來到 Amazing Talker 以後認識了很多老師,而遇到他之後我就沒有想要去看其他老師。有可能平台上有許多很好的老師,不過我不需要。從1月以後現在不知道上了多少堂,總之上到現在每一次都還是覺得很不真實,為什麼會有這麼用心的老師。






I was so thrilled to catch up with you Han. I was prepared to be overwhelmed with your stories but it seems like you were less energetic than the usual. I guess you need more time to rest and pick up our usual vibe. Let me know if you have specific topic of interests we could both discuss during the class. Good night Han.

Notes: (Catching up with Han some)

Mistake Correction
I don't know how he can do, a week or a day. I cannot grasp I don't know HOW long he works on stuff.. a day or a week, I couldn't gauge.
My boss tells me to slow down My boss REMINDED ME to slow down
I text him a lot with my genuine thoughts. I CHATTED him a lot ABOUT how I genuinely felt/thought
When he sees that I work hard, he will benefit me with something. When he sees that I work hard, he will benefit me with something
When he sees that I work hard, he will benefit me with something When he sees that I work hard, he will REWARD me with something.
He said "I want to go away." He said " I wanna escape from this house or run away from home
gossipmongers - a person who habitually passes on confidential information or spreads rumors.

Notes for next lesson

article reading - watch English clips

Student's feedback

I've stopped my lesson for more than 2 weeks with Alma. Probably that's the reason "How is ...❌", and swirled to "How have you been" 💀💀💀 For this lesson, it was, as usual, nothing changed during the class, I mean the vibe. I grow casually in comparison with my first lesson, and glad Alma was glad to see me either. (i trust it regardless). Looking forward to another lesson just like the massive amounts of students here. Feels like our teacher becomes much more popular all of the sudden during those 2 weeks. Probably I should call idol Alma one day. jk jk. 🤖 🚥 🤖 🚥 🤖 🚥


I'm pretty excited to stroll the night market with you Han. I'm impressed how you always think of creative ways to do the lesson.

Topic: Moving


Mistake Correction
I'm trying to degenerate ... I'm trying to LOOSEN UP OR MELLOW OUT degenerate is unnatural because it means to DECLINE or WORSEN physically
mentally or morally riled up - means someone is annoyed or extemely upset rile implies inducing an angry or resentful agitation
It's my first time to went to the night market with my mom in a while. Tom DID not misunderstand me, I am really quite reckless and careless. ^^
bench swing statue or mascot congee It's my first time to GO to the night market with my mom in a while.
Why you're always not living here. Why aren't you always STAYING in the house or Why aren't you always IN the house?
He said "I want to go away." He said " I wanna escape from this house or run away from home
Not conclusion for this I haven't set my mind to this [yet]
shabby - run down

I forgot to leave the comment here


I'm happy to hear you had a blast during your trip with your colleagues and girlfriend. Next time, let's see who's smarter/dumber in history subject. ^^ Night Han!


Mistake Correction
We have colonized by Japanese for a long time. We were colonized by Japanese for a long time.
I took a trip with my girlfriend only alone. I WENT on a trip with my girlfriend alone
She only appeared when we arrived She only SHOWED UP when we arrived
bench swing statue or mascot congee congee [ KON-jee ]

Notes for next lesson

Youtube clips/ read books

Student's feedback

Good as usual, but I am desperate to have the lesson with the material for the next lesson. Alma is always rocking and even thou I have less experience with other teachers' courses, I almost feel like Alma's class it's decent and high quality than other teachers. Like when we have a free talk for today, and alma simultaneously sneakily caught up on some grammar mistake i made, which is good For her potential students 👉 I confess I choose Alma because of the price since I suspect and wonder whether I can make progress by taking 1on1 courses, so I am not willing to go out on a limb to spend a fortune just for learning the English course in AT, especially for Alma's class, you can only spend few grand to have a suite I'm not gonna say I made a big stride, but now when I download the playback video, I can confidently see the whole video. Before then I feel so cringy for hearing my voice so it gave me a hard time. Now my tempo, my pause, and the way I speak English have slight progress, and I gradually can accept my voice It's obvious I have a lot to improve. I made a lot of grammar mistakes in the comment section since I barely check mine before sending it. I still need Alma and hope her future student can get good along with Alma. She's pretty good overall. Every 5 stars in genuine


Happy to see you much sober and fresh now Han. Also, our topic today is more meaningful. hahaha

TOPIC: Exchange of Country's Culture

Mistake Correction
We went from China to this island. We MIGRATED from China to this island.
There are several Christianity branches in Taiwan There are several Christianity sects

Different Languages

English Are you home now?
Tagalog Nasa bahay kana?
Bisaya Nasa balay naka
Illongo Ara ka na sa balay?
Surigao Jaon kana sa ijo bayay?


Word Meaning and examples
religious sect a religious group or denomination
theology study of divine things or religious truth
spiritual belief or experience His teachings brought me to a deep spiritual experience.
ethnicity [ eth-NIS-i-tee ]


Today we discuss about the religion, which really caught me off guard because i don't have those words in my mind so much and I believe it's meaningful for me to having this lesson. Even though Alma said she picked that up randomly, I still appreciate her.

Now I have so many momentum to see how can i expand the vocubulary regarding no matter ethnic group, race, and religion.

Thanks for having Alma for today


I really like the ambient recently. When we had a trial lesson and I know this teacher is hit it off to me. For the first few lesson, I prepared a lesson for just could possibly catch up all the question, and i also wish I was able to not making the grammer mistake.

However, as time went on, i noticed that my mindset has started changing more than the English progress. Now im not try to correct each of my grammer mistakes, I want to immerse myself into some topics instead to engage in natural conversations. I also feel less awkward than before. I know that’s how to learn a language and the language itself it’s just the conversation. The essence of the communication is how you perceive what i say and how I preceive you say

My goal has changes also. I wished to achieve a good accent like the american or British, but i feel like this goal was too far and unnecessary. Also after I met you I feel like neutralize slightly with my own accent may create another aesthetically possible better accent hehe ...

Ya! Thanks for having these courses with me.

And the revised (corrected) version from chatGPT is as below:

I have been really enjoying the ambiance recently. During our trial lesson, I realized that I had a great connection with this teacher. In the first few lessons, I prepared a lesson to address any possible questions and tried my best to avoid grammar mistakes.

However, as time went on, I noticed that my mindset started changing more than my English progress. Now, instead of focusing on correcting every grammar mistake, I want to immerse myself in various topics and engage in natural conversations. I also feel less awkward than before. I understand that learning a language is about communication, and the essence lies in how we understand each other's thoughts and perspectives.

My goals have also shifted. Initially, I aimed to achieve a good American or British accent, but I now feel that this goal may be too distant and unnecessary. After interacting with you, I believe that embracing my own accent and adding a touch of neutrality might create a unique and aesthetically pleasing accent, different from the typical American or British accents. It's like creating a brand new aesthetic, and I find that exciting!

Thank you for taking these courses with me


Previously, we discussed working hours, robots, and today's topic was about idioms. For the latest 50-minute lesson, it was unlike the previous one. We had a chit-chat for nearly 40 minutes before we got down to business, which was pretty good because it helped keep the conversation flowing. We talked about literally everything, and Tobby provided me with more insight into the cultural differences between the UK and China, using vivid examples.

I must say this lesson is my favorite one so far. I can't wait to learn more idioms we can use

Ethnitics, Races, and Nationalities


Today, we picked 'the priority' as our topic, which initially left me feeling lost. However, I have heard it frequently during our meetings, so I chose it over the topic of the 'boredom marathon.' TGTG!

After seeing more examples, I think I understand how to use the phrase 'set people's priorities straight.' On another note, I can't seem to grasp Alma's sense of humor. I mean, I understand the concept, but I struggle to get the point, which created an awkward ending to our lesson—a vibe I strangely enjoyed.

Although I'm still not capable of speaking freely during the roleplay, I continue to practice to get the hang of improvisation. As we overcome fears and get to know each other better, I transition from being fearless to dauntless, and even shameless. JKJK!

Today has been a good day with Alma.


In comparison to the lifespan in life, spending a decent portion of time, such as over half a year with Alma, is quite substantial, isn't it? Thanks it's me to pick Alma as English teacher, not others.

Initially, the reason for choosing Amazing talker due to the subsidy, and I found that i can take a trial lesson if I have interest for the teacher. I remembered Alma and Rachelle the two I had added to my list for a long time. Rachelle and Alma reached me nearly at the same time but with different account. Rachelle reached out to me on the account I ditched after, so Alma is the first teacher reached out to me officially.

Her video is relatively mundane than any other teachers. i didn't hold a lot of expectation since I was here just for learning English. It turned out a gorgeous ma'am showing up upfront. That startled me.

I really like the ambient during the lesson. Argubly it can say I'm hit it off with Alma, but I still want to try some since the trial lessons are cheap and I was new to Amazing Talker, so it took me a while for me to keep onward my trial lessons journey

Alma wasn't domieering for letting me choose her as my teacher, and it aroused my curiosity. The last thing I want to choose Alma is for one specific day, I replied a message sent by Alma, actually sent by AI, and Alma bluntly said it's sent by AI, which I feel like she didn't wear much mask on herself. I finally chose Alma as my teacher.

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