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For Having Engaging Conversations with Foreigners

Cover Image for For Having Engaging Conversations with Foreigners
Han Chen
Han Chen

Hook up

That's why it's I I I don't know exactly what you want to do with the status update right now, but I don't have that hooked up in any way. Other than the fact that I know I could do it. Whenever you need me to, once I figure out what kind of flow you want.

In this context, "hook up" means to connect or integrate something with something else so that they work together. In the given sentence, the speaker is saying that they have not connected or integrated the status update in any way. However, they are able to do it and can do so once they understand how the status update should be incorporated into the system or process.

Hook into

yeah .. I haven't gotten hooked into Junji Ito Manic yet, Episode 1 story-wise it's not too gruesome for me but the kind of art or graphic used in this animation is what impressed me the most.

In this context, "hooked into" means being fully engaged or interested in something. It means that the person hasn't yet found themselves fully invested or attached to the anime series Junji Ito Manic.

"Hook into" is an informal phrasal verb and can be used to describe a person's level of interest or involvement in an activity or thing. It can also mean to connect or integrate with something, such as a system or network.

Example: The new software was designed to hook into existing databases and improve data management.

getting the hang of it

high five! you're getting the hang of it

"High five! You're getting the hang of it!" is an expression used to congratulate someone for improving their skills or for successfully completing a task. It is a way of showing support and encouragement. The phrase is often accompanied by a gesture of slapping palms with one hand raised in the air, as if giving a high five.


you know, I specifically cut the part that I love to help KIDS because I really don't like teaching kiddos. :'(

"Kiddos" is a slang term for children, often used as a term of endearment or familiarity. It is a playful and informal way of referring to kids.

Make each day of your vacation count

Make each day of your vacation count. :) I'll be chillin' too.

翻譯:讓你的假期每一天都有意義。:) 我也會放鬆的。

Up for

HAN Are you SAVING UP FOR that? [properties]meaning that are you keeping a portion of your money to buy a house in the future.

UP FOR something - [informal] wanting to have or do

ex: I'm up for a cold beer tonight. ex: What are you up to tonight

From time to time

Thank you. Like your boss, you're also considerate(thoughtful). I do read the comment box from time to time to check whatever I need to improve as a tutor. :) "From time to time" means occasionally or periodically. In the given sentence, the speaker is saying that they read the comment box occasionally to check if there's anything they need to improve as a tutor.

in the loop

What is in the loop of that paragraph

you're not in the loop if you don't know how to use "in the loop" perfectly yet. It's okay, practice and consistency helps a learner improve

The loop being referred to in that paragraph is a metaphorical one. It means that you are not part of a particular group or community and therefore you are not up to date with the latest information or developments. The phrase "in the loop" is often used to describe being included in a group or conversation where important information is being shared. So, in the context of the paragraph, the loop is a metaphor for the group of people who know how to use the phrase "in the loop" correctly.

Computer spot

I didn't notice your big tongue .. hahaha I noticed lots of clothes hanging behind your computer spot

"Computer spot" in this context is likely referring to the physical location where the person's computer is located. It could be a desk or table where they have set up their computer equipment. "Lots of clothes hanging behind your computer spot" could mean that there are clothes hanging on a rack or hangers in the area where their computer is located, possibly indicating that it's a multi-purpose space or that they have limited room for storage.


I also want to practice to be more shameless than ever

let's just use "to be more confident or dauntless than ever"

"dauntless" is an adjective that describes someone who is fearless, brave, or courageous in the face of difficulty, danger, or adversity. To be dauntless means to be undaunted or not easily intimidated by challenges or obstacles.

Someone who is dauntless may still feel fear, but they do not let that fear control their actions. Instead, they are able to face their fears and move forward with confidence and determination.

For example, a soldier who rushes into battle without hesitation can be described as dauntless. Similarly, someone who stands up to a bully despite feeling scared can also be said to be dauntless.

"Dauntless" and "shameless" are two different adjectives with distinct meanings.

"Dauntless" describes someone who is fearless or brave in the face of adversity, while "shameless" describes someone who has no shame or sense of embarrassment or guilt, often behaving in an inappropriate or brazen manner.

For example, a firefighter who enters a burning building to save lives can be described as dauntless, as they are displaying courage in the face of danger. On the other hand, a con artist who lies and cheats others without any remorse or sense of wrongdoing can be described as shameless, as they are acting without any sense of shame or guilt.

While both adjectives are used to describe people who display a strong sense of self-confidence, "dauntless" is generally a positive trait associated with bravery and courage, while "shameless" is often viewed as a negative trait associated with a lack of empathy or consideration for others.

"Brazen manner"(厚顏無恥的方式) refers to behavior that is bold, shameless, or audacious, often to the point of being disrespectful or inappropriate. When someone behaves in a brazen manner, they are often doing so with a sense of confidence or defiance, even in the face of potential consequences.

For example, if someone makes an outrageous or offensive remark in a public setting and does not seem to care about the reaction of those around them, they are behaving in a brazen manner. Similarly, if someone commits a crime in broad daylight and makes no attempt to hide their actions, they are also behaving in a brazen manner.

The term "brazen" can be used to describe various types of behavior, including speech, actions, or attitudes. It suggests a disregard for social norms or conventions, as well as a willingness to take risks or act in ways that others might find shocking or inappropriate. (It's like me)

spoiling the story

A background story is a well-known cram school teacher and a normal mother owning lunchbox store, and it shows lots of realism between parents

  • thanks for not totally spoiling the story , I guess I can relate to this ^^

  • One Piece - well. I'm at episode 1042 now, i will never outgrow OnePiece

The phrase "spoiling the story" refers to revealing important plot details or twists that may ruin the surprise or suspense for someone who hasn't watched/read the story yet. In this context, "thanks for not totally spoiling the story" means the person appreciates that the previous speaker didn't give away too much information about the story they were talking about, so they can still enjoy it without knowing everything that happens. The phrase "spoiled out" is not a common English expression. It's possible that it was a typo or a mistake in the original text.

Is the daunting the opposite word of dauntless?

Yes, "daunting" can be considered the opposite of "dauntless" in terms of their meanings. While "dauntless" describes someone who is fearless or courageous, "daunting" describes something that is intimidating or overwhelming, often causing someone to feel discouraged or fearful.

For example, a difficult challenge or a new responsibility can be described as daunting, as it can be overwhelming and make someone feel hesitant or discouraged. On the other hand, someone who takes on that challenge with courage and determination can be described as dauntless.

While "dauntless" is generally viewed as a positive trait, "daunting" is often viewed as a negative or challenging situation that needs to be overcome.


I might watch one ep of this kdrama series to avoid FOMO lol

Fear from missing out


Oh, I saw the trailer of this kdrama.. pretty fun! I'm still trying to catch up on ONEPIECE thou

A trailer typically refers to a short promotional video or clip for a movie, TV show, or other form of visual media that is used to generate interest and anticipation among viewers. Trailers often provide a preview of the storyline, characters, and major plot points, while also highlighting the key features that make the production unique or appealing to its target audience. Trailers are typically released in advance of the main production and are often used

God forbid

that's thoughtful of you Han, but God forbid this sore throat lasts until Saturday then I'll see a doctor because it would have been almost two weeks by then.

offensive remark

sarcastically remark

Alma sayings

  • u dnt need to wait for the New Year to change something about yourself..and btw, being stingy is good as long as it’s within reason. 😉

  • If in some cases AT is down, you may reach me through my LINE account

  • probably, but I read the entire letter and OMG your US colleagues are so warm and welcoming

  • I love writing, and reading. These are my personal ways of improving my English fluency. So keep it up Han! you're doing the right steps to be a better speaker. Goodnight

  • my anime watch list is this:

    • and on top of these is ONE PIECE <3
    • Bocchi the Rock - ep 7
    • Blue Lock - ep 12
    • Junji Ito Maniac
    • Parasyte

    so all the animes you sent are probably going at the bottom of my personal ranking

  • yeah because the feedback that you often leave is like an essay. I appreciate that you really take your time to write a feedback but please enjoy your vacation first. :) Pig out, chill, exercise, sleep -repeat.

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