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Learning English with GPT: Tips and Techniques-Part2

Cover Image for Learning English with GPT: Tips and Techniques-Part2
Chen Han
Chen Han

ChatGPT lets you type questions using your natural language, and then the chatbot gives conversational answers which are derived from large data volumes from both the internet and other public sources. Essentially think of any data that can be gobbled up, like a giant vacuum cleaner, the GPT3 AI platform infrastructures are only too happy to consume as much data as it can be fed. However, ChatGPT is not without its flaws as it has been reported that ChatGPT’s training data has algorithmic data bias and generated a rap indicating that women and scientists of color were inferior to white and male scientists.

Learning English From QA

This blog post will explore how you can use Q&A (question and answer) sessions as an effective way to learn English. We will discuss the benefits of using this method, how to find or create suitable Q&A materials, and how to get the most out of your study sessions. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, you will find useful tips and techniques for improving your English skills through Q&A practice.

Do you know what is the term of a duck deem whoever as a mother with its first glance

The term you are likely referring to is "imprinting," which is a form of learning that occurs in some animals, including ducks. Imprinting is a process by which an animal develops a strong attachment to a particular individual or object during a critical period early in its life. In the case of ducks, this often involves the mother duck "imprinting" on her ducklings, meaning that the ducklings develop a strong attachment to her and follow her closely.

There is also a phenomenon called "filial imprinting," in which an animal, such as a duckling, develops a strong attachment to the first moving object it sees after hatching. This can result in the animal treating that object, such as a human, as if it were its mother.

It's important to note that imprinting is a natural and important part of the development of many animals, and it can have a significant impact on their behavior and social interactions. However, it is not something that can be deliberately induced or controlled by humans.

Is phonemenal and brilliant meant the same thing

The words "phenomenal" and "brilliant" are similar in that they both describe something that is exceptional or extraordinary. However, they have slightly different connotations.

"Phenomenal" is an adjective that means "extraordinary" or "remarkable," often in a positive way. It is often used to describe something that is beyond the ordinary or expected, or that has a strong impact. For example, you might say, "That concert was phenomenal! I've never heard anything like it."

"Brilliant" is also an adjective that means "extremely intelligent or talented," or "having a natural ability to do something very well." It is often used to describe people who are exceptionally gifted or talented in a particular area. For example, you might say, "She's a brilliant scientist with a deep understanding of her field."

So, while both words can be used to describe something or someone that is exceptional or extraordinary, "phenomenal" tends to focus more on the impact or the extraordinary nature of the thing or person, while "brilliant" tends to focus more on their intelligence or talent.


"Preliminary" and "Primary" are both English words that can be used to indicate that something is the first or initial stage of something.

"Preliminary" means something that is done before something more important or more final happens. It refers to an initial or preparatory stage or action, often used to describe a plan or study that is done before something more important happens. For example, "The preliminary study showed promising results."

"Primary" refers to something that is the most important or the first in order of importance. It refers to the main or principal element, the first thing to be considered, the main focus. For example, "Primary goal of the project is to increase sales."

In summary, "preliminary" refers to something that is done before something more important or more final happens, while "primary" refers to something that is the most important or the first in order of importance.


"Let's just speak Chinese together" or "Why don't we just speak Chinese together" would be the appropriate translation of "大不了大家一起講中文啊" in English. It suggests that if someone is having trouble communicating in a language, it's better to switch to another language that everyone can communicate more effectively.

What is "came across"

"came across" can have a lot of meanings depending on the context. In this case, you are using it to express the first impression you got from meeting Alma, the teacher. "Came across" can also be used to talk about how something or someone appears to be, or how they are perceived by others. Here are a few examples to illustrate this:

  • I came across a great article online about the benefits of meditation.
  • I came across as confident in the interview but I was really nervous inside.
  • The company came across as very professional in their presentation.

You can also use "came across" when you are talking about finding something by chance or accident, like coming across a forgotten object, like:

  • I came across my old diary when I was cleaning out the attic.

Compare between wacky, nonsensical, and quirky

"Wacky," "nonsensical," and "quirky" are all words that can be used to describe something that is unusual or strange, but they have slightly different connotations.

"Wacky" means strange or unusual in an amusing or playful way. It often implies that something is eccentric or peculiar, but in a fun way. For example, "He has a wacky sense of humor"

"Nonsensical" means that something is illogical or doesn't make sense. It implies that something is irrational or absurd. This word implies that something is difficult to understand or does not follow the usual rules of thought. For example, "His explanation for the missing money was nonsensical"

"Quirky" means something that is unusual, strange or unexpected, but often in a charming or interesting way. It implies that something is peculiar, idiosyncratic, or has a unique feature. For example, "The house had a quirky layout, with rooms built at odd angles."

So, "wacky" implies something strange or unusual but in a playful way, "nonsensical" implies something that doesn't make sense or is illogical, and "quirky" implies something that is peculiar or unique but in a charming or interesting way.

What is follow up in "This is a follow up question to this question"

In this context, "follow up" refers to the act of continuing a conversation or discussion that has already taken place. It can also refer to taking further action or making additional efforts after an initial effort or activity.

For example, if you asked a question and received a response, you might "follow up" by asking a related question or seeking clarification on something that was mentioned in the initial response. Or, if you made an initial effort to achieve a goal, you might "follow up" by taking additional steps or making further efforts to ensure that you are making progress towards your goal.

In general, "follow up" is used to describe the act of continuing or building upon something that has already been started or done.

Is primarily mainly?

Yes, "primarily" and "mainly" are similar in meaning and can often be used interchangeably. Both words are used to describe something that is of primary or primary importance, or that is the most significant or dominant aspect of something.

For example, you might say, "The project was primarily focused on improving customer satisfaction," or "The company's products are mainly geared towards young adults." In both of these examples, "primarily" and "mainly" are used to describe the main or primary focus of the project or the products.

There are some subtle differences in how these words are used, however. "Primarily" tends to be used to describe the main or most important factor or aspect of something, while "mainly" tends to be used to describe the majority or predominant part of something. For example, you might say, "The project was primarily funded by private donations," but "The project was mainly completed by volunteers." In this example, "primarily" is used to describe the main source of funding, while "mainly" is used to describe the majority of the work that was done.

What is lay off

"Lay off" is a phrasal verb that means to stop or reduce the amount of work that someone is doing, often as a result of economic conditions or restructuring. The past tense of "lay off" is "laid off."

For example, you might say, "The company has had to lay off a number of employees due to budget cuts," or "I was laid off from my job last year and have been struggling to find work since."

It's worth noting that "lay off" can also be used as a noun, as in "He received a lay off notice last week," which means a notice that someone is being laid off from their job.

In general, "lay off" is used to describe the act of reducing or eliminating someone's job or work responsibilities, often as a result of economic or business considerations. It is typically used in a business or workplace context.

What is the past participle of lay off

The past participle of "lay off" is "laid off." This form is used to describe something that happened in the past and is now complete.

For example, you might say, "I was laid off from my job last year," or "Many workers have been laid off as a result of the pandemic." In both of these examples, the action of being laid off (reduced or eliminated from one's job or work responsibilities) has already taken place and is now in the past.

The past participle of a verb is often used in conjunction with the auxiliary verb "have," as in "I have been laid off," or "They have been laid off." It can also be used in the passive voice, as in "The workers were laid off by the company," which means that the company was the one responsible for laying off the workers.

In general, the past participle is used to describe something that happened in the past and is now complete, and it is a crucial part of many verb tenses in English.

When i can use have had

The phrase "have had" is used as the present perfect tense of the verb "have." The present perfect tense is used to describe actions that have been completed in the past and that have some connection to the present. It is formed by combining the auxiliary verb "have" with the past participle of the main verb.

For example:

  • "I have had breakfast." (The action of having breakfast is complete and happened in the past, but it has some connection to the present time.)
  • "She has had a long day at work." (The action of having a long day at work is complete and happened in the past, but it has some connection to the present time.)

It's worth noting that the present perfect tense is often used with time expressions such as "just," "already," "yet," and "since." For example:

  • "I have just had breakfast." (I just finished having breakfast.)
  • "She has already had a long day at work." (She has already experienced a long day at work.)
  • "I haven't had lunch yet." (I have not yet had lunch.)
  • "She has had a headache since this morning." (She has had a headache since the morning.)

In general, the present perfect tense is used to describe actions that have been completed in the past and that have some connection to the present, and it is formed by combining the auxiliary verb "have" with the past participle of the main verb.

I want to ask can the "I see the same" express my agreement

It is possible for the sentence "I see the same" to express agreement, but without more context it is difficult to be certain.


In English, you could say "things are coming at me like a snowstorm" to convey the idea that you are being overwhelmed by a sudden influx of events or tasks. This phrase suggests that you are feeling inundated and that you are struggling to keep up with everything that is happening.

How about “things are from snowflake”

"Things are from snowflake" does not make sense in English as written. It is not a common phrase and does not convey a clear meaning. If you are trying to express the idea that things are coming at you like a snowstorm, you could say "things are coming at me like a snowstorm" or "it's a snowstorm of things happening." If you are trying to describe something else, please provide more context or clarify your intended meaning.

What is stand in our shoes mean

"To stand in someone's shoes" means to try to understand and empathize with their perspective or situation. It means to try to see things from their point of view and to try to imagine what it would be like to be in their position. This phrase is often used to encourage people to be more understanding and compassionate towards others, especially when they may be having a difficult time or facing challenges.


"沒有秩序" can be translated as "disorderly" or "disorganized" in English. For example, you could say "there is a lot of disorder in the room" to describe a room that is cluttered and chaotic, or you could say "the event was disorganized" to describe an event that was not well-planned or lacking in structure. Other phrases that might convey a similar meaning include "chaotic," "un

organized," and "in disarray."


In English, you could say "everyone's level of productivity is different" or "everyone has a different level of productivity" to convey the idea that everyone approaches tasks and responsibilities differently and that their ability to get things done varies. This could be due to a variety of factors, such as individual differences in work habits, motivation, skill level, and other personal characteristics.

“cranking out thousands of lines of code per month.” What is cranking out here

In this context, "cranking out" means to produce or complete a large quantity of work in a short period of time. It suggests that the person is working quickly and efficiently, and that they are able to produce a large amount of output in a relatively short amount of time. In this case, "cranking out thousands of lines of code per month" means that the person is writing or creating a very large volume of code in a month.

What is the word regional

Regional means relating to a particular region or area. It can be used to describe things that are specific to a particular region, such as regional customs or regional cuisine. It can also refer to things that are geographically limited to a particular region, such as a regional language or regional climate. Regional can also describe organizations or events that are specific to a particular region, such as a regional sports team or a regional conference.

Can I say “you got me” when I ready to pay for the teacher’s lesson

Yes, you can say "you got me" to mean that you are ready to pay for the lesson. It is similar to saying "I'm ready to pay" or "I will pay." It is a casual way of expressing that you are willing to fulfill your obligation to pay for the lesson.

Can I say I fixin to sleep

Yes, you can say "I'm fixin' to sleep" to mean that you are about to go to sleep or that you are preparing to sleep. "Fixin'" is a colloquialism that is commonly used in some parts of the United States to mean "getting ready to" or "about to." For example, you might say "I'm fixin' to go to bed" to mean that you are getting ready to go to bed or that you are about to go to bed.

I fixin or I’m fixin

Both "I fixin'" and "I'm fixin'" are correct ways to say that you are getting ready to do something or that you are about to do something. "Fixin'" is a colloquialism that is commonly used in some parts of the United States to mean "getting ready to" or "about to."

"I fixin'" means "I am fixing to" do something. "I'm fixin'" means "I am getting ready to" do something. Both phrases are correct and can be used interchangeably.

Can you help me to correct the grammer beneath

Here are some suggestions for correcting the grammar in the text you provided:

"I 100% agree with that. I can tell you to a certain degree that if there was no Tom, we wouldn't be able to run sprints successfully."

"Tom is a crucial element for our entire workflow. If there wasn't someone to manage all the tickets, tasks would be coming in like a snowstorm. Ibp is currently in that state."

"It's funny that Mark can't understand how good our Hyte is, even though we work for the same company and have similar positions. Mark keeps saying that sprints can't be done on their projects because there are so many urgent things, and he somehow stands in Hyte's shoes and thinks we're the same."

"No, we are fundamentally different, and of course, the premise is that Ibp needs someone like Tom, but no."

"Ibp is crazy, with both disorganized tasks and everyone having a different level of activity. You can see this with Wayne and Ann, who sits next to Wayne and does things other than work most of the time, while Wayne has a lot on his plate. Oh my gosh!"

"Wayne has already been ruined by IBP, and definitely so has Rex."

How can i do the word "lash out"

To "lash out" means to express strong emotions or anger in a sudden and violent way. Here are a few examples of how you can use the phrase "lash out" in a sentence:

  • "The politician was known for lashing out at reporters during press conferences."
  • "After months of pent-up frustration, the employee finally lashed out at her boss in a heated argument."
  • "The musician lashed out at the audience, throwing his guitar across the stage in a fit of rage."

In each of these examples, the person is expressing strong emotions or anger in a sudden and uncontrolled manner. They are "lashing out" in a way that may be perceived as aggressive or confrontational.


A close-knit group is a group of people who have a strong sense of unity and connection to one another. They may be friends or family members who have a close and affectionate relationship, or they may be coworkers who work closely together and support one another. Close-knit groups often share common interests and values, and they may spend a lot of time together. They may also be characterized by a strong sense of loyalty and a willingness to help one another.

Sure! Here are a few sentences that use the phrase "close-knit":

  • The small town had a close-knit community where everyone knew and supported one another.
  • The group of friends had been together since childhood, and they were a close-knit bunch who always looked out for one another.
  • The company had a close-knit team of employees who worked well together and were always willing to lend a hand when someone needed help.
  • The family was close-knit and spent most of their holidays and weekends together, enjoying each other's company.
  • The church had a close-knit congregation that came together to support one another and serve the community.

"Blunt" can have a few different meanings depending on the context. Here are a few possibilities:

  1. Not sharp: said of a cutting instrument that has lost its sharpness.
  2. Straightforward: said of a person who speaks or acts in a direct and honest way.
  3. Marijuana cigar rolled in cigar wraps

Can you provide me with more context so I can help you better?

Some of my friends say the payment status isn't correlated to the status in omnisend. I want to ask what is "correlated" in the context

In the context of your friend's statement, it sounds like they are saying that the payment status of a customer (i.e. whether they have paid for a product or service) is not related to their status in Omnisend, which is a marketing automation platform. Correlation in this context would mean that there is a relationship between a customer's payment status and their status in Omnisend. If there is no correlation, then changes in payment status would not affect a customer's status in Omnisend, and vice versa.

It's worth noting, however, that the statement "payment status isn't correlated to the status in Omnisend" might not be true in all cases, it's specific to the integration or data set they are working on.


The English phrase for "sweeping landmines" would be "mine clearance" or "de-mining." This is the process of locating and removing landmines and other unexploded ordnance (UXO) from an area to make it safe for people to use. This is typically done by specially-trained personnel using a variety of tools and equipment, such as metal detectors and prodders.


The English translation for "separation" is "separation." It can refer to various context such as physical separation, chemical separation, separating different components of a mixture, process of divorce, among others depending on the context you're using it.

There are several English words that begin with "de-" that pertain to separation, such as:

  1. "Decompose" which means break down (a substance) into simpler molecules
  2. "De-clutter" means remove unnecessary items from an organized space
  3. "Decouple" means disconnect or separate something from something else.
  4. "Defragment" means to reorganize the information in a file or storage device in order to improve its performance
  5. "De-escalate" means to reduce the level of tension or conflict in a situation.

These are some examples, there are more word with de- prefix that pertain separation or related concepts,

What is "getting a hang of it"

The phrase "getting a hang of it" means becoming proficient or becoming accustomed to doing something. It is often used to describe the process of learning or adapting to a new skill or task. For example, if someone is learning to play a musical instrument, they might say "I'm getting a hang of it," to indicate that they are starting to understand how to play and becoming more comfortable with it. Similarly, if someone is starting a new job, they might say "I'm getting a hang of it" to indicate that they are starting to understand their role and responsibilities, and becoming more comfortable with the work.

What is the term for when people always talk detail. Can i use blunt

The term for when people always talk in detail is "verbose." It means using more words than are necessary to express an idea and can often be seen as talkative or overly wordy.

"Blunt" is typically used to describe someone who is straightforward and direct in their language and actions, rather than talking in a verbose or detailed way. A blunt person might not go into many details, they could speak more directly or to the point. However "blunt" is not specifically used to describe a person who is verbose.

It might be more appropriate to use the word "wordy" or "long-winded" to describe someone who is verbose.

What is "living under the rock"

The phrase "living under a rock" is a colloquial expression that is used to describe someone who is uninformed or out of touch with current events, trends, or popular culture. The phrase is often used to imply that the person is living in isolation and is not aware of what is happening in the world around them.

It is usually used in a negative or derogatory way, to describe someone as uneducated or out of date, it can also be used jokingly or in a light-hearted manner. The phrase suggests that the person is so isolated that they may as well be living under a rock, which is a place that is generally considered to be remote and cut off from the rest of the world.


The English phrase for "尾牙" (weiyá) is "Company banquet" or "Corporate banquet". It is a formal gathering, often held at the end of the year, to celebrate and socialize with colleagues and company management. During the event employees and companies usually will be rewarded for their hard work during the year, enjoy a meal and some form of entertainment.

The English phrase for "尾牙" (wei ya) is "year-end party" or "company's annual party." It's a traditional annual event held by companies in Taiwan, Hong Kong and some other Asian countries, usually in December to celebrate the end of the year, often for employees and may include their family or clients too, it's a way to show appreciation for their hard work and achievements, often including a meal and drinks, gift giving, and entertainment.

How to use the word detrimental

The word "detrimental" is an adjective that is used to describe something that has a harmful or negative effect on something else. Here are a few examples of how you might use the word "detrimental" in a sentence:

  1. "Smoking cigarettes is detrimental to your health."
  2. "The company's poor decision-making has been detrimental to its profits."
  3. "The new policy could have a detrimental effect on employee morale."

You could use the word detrimental to talk about effects on things like health, financial, relationship and so on, where the effect is negative or harmful. It's a formal word, It's used in business, academic or official contexts, to describe negative effects or impacts of something.

america office or american office

"America office" and "American office" both refer to an office located in the United States. However, the term "American office" is more commonly used and it is more clear. "America office" might be understood as an office that serves the whole American continent, while "American office" is clearly indicating that it is located in the United States. Both phrases would typically be used to refer to a physical office location, where American businesses or organizations conduct their operations and activities. The name of this type of office, and what it is called, can vary depending on the company, or industry it belongs to. Some companies might refer to it as a "US office," "US headquarters," or "US branch office," while others might refer to it as "American office" or simply "US office" to indicate that it is located in America.

Apart from is equal to other than?

"Apart from" and "other than" are similar phrases that are used to introduce examples or exceptions to a statement. Both can be used to indicate that there is an exception to a rule or a generalization being made.

"Apart from" is often used to introduce an exception or alternative, it means "in addition to" or "excluding". for example: "Apart from the cold weather, the trip was very enjoyable" means that the only downside to the trip was the cold weather.

"Other than" also introduce exceptions, but it is usually used to indicate that there is something different from what is expected or being discussed. For example: "Other than being a little tired, I feel great" means that the speaker feels great except for the fact that they are tired.

While both of these phrases can be used interchangeably, you may use "apart from" when you want to specifically indicate something is an exception and "other than" when you want to indicate that something is different from what is being discussed.

What is phonic

"Phonic" can have different meanings depending on the context, but in general, it refers to the sounds of spoken language. Here are a few possible meanings:

  1. Phonic sounds: It refers to the speech sounds that make up words. For example, "b", "p" and "c" are all different phonic sounds.
  2. Phonic analysis: It refers to the process of breaking down words into their individual speech sounds in order to learn how to spell or read.
  3. Phonic reading: It refers to a method of teaching children to read by teaching them the sounds of the letters and how to combine them to make words.
  4. Phonic awareness: It refers to the child's ability to hear and manipulate the individual sounds in spoken words.
  5. Phonic method of teaching: It's a method of teaching reading by emphasizing the connection between letters and sounds, encouraging children to recognize and decode words, emphasizing on decoding as a way to identify and read words.

These are just a few possible meanings, there may be others depending on the context.

What is newly uprooted

"Newly uprooted" is a phrase that is used to describe someone or something that has recently been removed from their original location or environment.

It can be used in a variety of contexts, but generally refers to the displacement of people, plants or things. For example:

  1. "The newly uprooted family was struggling to find a new home" means that the family was recently forced to leave their home and are now having difficulties finding a new place to live.
  2. "The newly uprooted plant was in poor condition" means that the plant was recently removed from the soil, it can imply that the plant was not able to survive the process of being removed from its environment.

The term "uproot" can be used to mean physically removing something from the ground, but it can also imply moving or removing something from its original environment or situation. The phrase "newly uprooted" implies that the event of being removed, displaced or moved recently happened.

What is off the bat means

The phrase "off the bat" means without delay, immediately or straight away. It can be used to indicate that something is done or said without hesitation or without taking the time to think about it. This phrase is often used to describe a reaction or response that is quick and spontaneous, rather than planned or considered. Here are a few examples of how you might use the phrase "off the bat":

  1. "I knew the answer to the question off the bat" means that I knew the answer immediately, without hesitation.
  2. "He rejected the offer off the bat" means he refused the offer immediately and without hesitation.
  3. "I can tell you off the bat that this project is going to be difficult" means that I can tell you right away, without any hesitation, that this project is going to be difficult.

It's an idiomatic phrase, often used in spoken language, it can be used in both formal and informal setting, but it's more common in casual or informal setting.

What is conduit "a conduit for hackers"

A "conduit" is a channel or a means of transmitting or transporting something. In the context of "a conduit for hackers," it refers to a way for hackers to gain access to a system or network. It can be a software, a device or a service that has a vulnerability or a weakness that can be exploited by a hacker to gain unauthorized access. The conduit can be a network, an application, a software, even a person, that can be used as a means to access a system, network or data.

For example:

  1. "The open port on the server was a conduit for hackers to gain access" means that the open port on the server was used as a way for hackers to gain unauthorized access to the server.
  2. "The phishing email was a conduit for hackers to steal sensitive information" means that the phishing email was used as a way for hackers to obtain sensitive information through trickery.

The term "conduit" is often used in the context of computer security and information technology to describe a vulnerability or weakness that can be exploited by hackers to gain access to a system or network.

What is "can afford to", which circumstance can use

The phrase "can afford to" is used to indicate that someone has the financial means or resources to do something. It is often used in the context of making a decision or taking an action, where the person's financial situation is a factor. For example:

  1. "I can afford to buy a new car" means that the speaker has enough money to purchase a new car.
  2. "We can afford to take a vacation this year" means that the speaker and their family have enough money to take a vacation this year.
  3. "The company can afford to invest in new technology" means that the company has enough financial resources to invest in new technology.

It can be used in a variety of situations, but it is often used when discussing financial decisions or when considering whether or not to make a purchase or investment. It implies that the person or organization has enough money or resources to make the decision, it's a way to express that the person or organization has the capacity to make the decision without financial strain. It's a way to express that the cost is affordable for them.

Interpolate variable into string

The first boggling (mind-blowing) idea i adopted

What is fluctuating focus

Fluctuating focus refers to the tendency for someone's attention to change frequently or to be easily distracted. It means that the person's focus changes rapidly and unpredictably, often unable to maintain attention on one task or subject for an extended period of time. It can also refer to a situation where a person's attention span is not steady but varies over time. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including ADHD, anxiety, depression, stress, and lack of sleep.

It can be challenging to manage fluctuating focus, but there are ways to improve it, such as practicing mindfulness, reducing distractions, breaking down tasks into smaller chunks, and getting enough sleep. It is also important to see a doctor or therapist for an accurate assessment of the cause of the fluctuating focus and to develop a plan that addresses the underlying condition.

What is hallucinating in"running on a hallucinating (huh·loo·suh·nayt) after a long work day then it doesn't even matter"

In the context of the phrase "running on a hallucinating (huh·loo·suh·nayt) after a long work day then it doesn't even matter", "hallucinating" is likely being used as a figure of speech rather than in a literal sense.

Hallucination is a false perception of objects or events that have no reality, it is a symptom of several mental and physical disorders.

In this context, "running on a hallucinating" is likely being used to describe feeling mentally and physically exhausted, to the point where one's perception of reality is distorted or altered. The phrase suggests that someone is so tired, their mind is creating false perceptions or distorted thoughts, and as a result, they are not able to focus or think clearly.

The phrase "then it doesn't even matter" suggests that due to the state of mind caused by being "hallucinating" the person is unable to focus or think clearly, so they don't care about what's happening around them.

It's worth noting that this phrase is not meant to be taken literally and it is an informal language and the meaning can change depending on the context, the tone of voice, and the person that is using it.

What is go-to words

"Go-to words" are words or phrases that are frequently used or relied on in a particular context, or by a particular person. These words or phrases can be used to express a specific sentiment or idea, or to fill a specific grammatical role.

For example, a person might have a "go-to" word or phrase that they use frequently in their writing or speech. For example, in a professional context, someone might use the phrase "going forward" a lot when discussing future plans. Or in a personal context, someone might use the word "like" a lot when they are speaking.

Another example is when someone might have a "go-to" expression when they are feeling a particular emotion, like "I'm over the moon" when they are really happy, or "I'm at my wits end" when they are feeling frustrated.

In summary, "go-to words" are words or phrases that a person frequently use or rely on to express themselves or to fill a specific grammatical role.

What is the difference between in this year and by this year

"In this year" and "by this year" are both used to refer to a specific time frame, but they have slightly different meanings.

"In this year" is used to refer to a time period that includes the current year. It can be used to talk about something that has happened or is happening during the current year. For example, "In this year, I have learned a lot about web development."

"By this year" is used to refer to a specific point in time within the current year. It can be used to talk about something that will happen or should happen by a certain point in the current year. For example, "By this year, I want to have completed my degree."

So, "In this year" refers to the whole current year, and "by this year" refers to a specific point or deadline within the current year.

"Here is a deal" and "What's a deal"

"Here is a deal" and "what's a deal" are both ways of expressing an agreement or offer of a deal or bargain.

"Here is a deal" is a phrase that is used to present an offer or proposal for a bargain or agreement. It is often used when someone is trying to negotiate a mutually beneficial arrangement. For example, "Here is a deal, I'll do the dishes if you take out the trash."

"What's a deal" is a more casual way of asking for a deal or agreement, it's usually used in a casual conversation and it's often used when someone is trying to negotiate with another person or group of people. For example, "What's a deal? Can you help me move this couch?"

"Is that a deal" is the same as "Is that a problem"

"Is that a deal" and "is that a problem" are both ways of asking for agreement or confirmation, but they have slightly different connotations.

"Is that a deal" is a phrase that is used to confirm an agreement or proposal. It is often used when someone is trying to negotiate a mutually beneficial arrangement or when someone is trying to confirm that the other person agrees with the proposed arrangement. For example, "I'll do the dishes if you take out the trash, is that a deal?"

"Is that a problem" is a phrase that is used to ask if there is any issue or obstacle that might prevent something from happening or being done. It is often used when someone is trying to check that there is no problem or obstacle with a proposed plan or action. For example, "Can you work on Saturday? Is that a problem?"

In summary, "Is that a deal" is asking for agreement and "Is that a problem" is asking if there is any issue or obstacle that might prevent something from happening or being done.


n this context, "spikes" refer to sudden and significant increases in demand for a particular product or service. These spikes can occur due to a variety of factors, such as a sudden increase in website traffic, a surge in customer orders or inquiries, or unexpected demand for a specific product or service. Such spikes can put a strain on the infrastructure and resources of a company, potentially leading to slower response times, system failures, or other issues that could negatively impact the customer experience. The phrase "automatically react to spikes in demand with scalable infrastructure" suggests that a company has a system in place that can automatically detect and respond to these spikes by scaling up its infrastructure, such as adding more servers or increasing network bandwidth, to handle the increased demand in a timely and efficient manner.

"spike" 的中文可以翻译为 "激增",意为突然而显著地增加。在商业、科技和经济等领域中常用 "spike" 来描述某种指标的短期变化,例如网站访问量、销售额、订单量等等。"spike" 也可以被翻译成 "尖峰",具有相似的意思,常用于形容数据或趋势的特定时间点上的高峰。

I remember I first learnt this word from biology

In biology, "spike" can have different meanings depending on the context. Here are a few examples:

  1. In the context of viruses, a "spike" is a structure on the surface of the virus that helps it attach to and enter host cells. For example, the spike protein on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is what allows it to enter human cells and cause COVID-19.
  2. In neuroscience, a "spike" refers to a brief electrical signal or action potential that occurs in individual neurons. These spikes are the primary means by which neurons communicate with one another in the brain.
  3. In genetics, a "spike-in" is a type of experimental control used to validate the accuracy of a genomic assay or sequencing technique. A spike-in involves adding a known amount of DNA or RNA to a sample at a specific stage of the experiment to determine whether the assay accurately detects and quantifies the added material.

These are just a few examples of how "spike" can be used in a biological context. The term is quite versatile and can have different meanings depending on the specific field of study or research.

Hefty price (cost an arm and a leg)

Hefty price is a phrase that means a large or significant amount of money that is required to purchase something. It is often used to describe expensive items, products or services that may be out of reach for many people due to their high cost. For example, a luxury car might come with a hefty price, meaning that it is very expensive to buy.

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