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Learning English with GPT: Tips and Techniques-Part3

Cover Image for Learning English with GPT: Tips and Techniques-Part3
Chen Han
Chen Han

ChatGPT lets you type questions using your natural language, and then the chatbot gives conversational answers which are derived from large data volumes from both the internet and other public sources. Essentially think of any data that can be gobbled up, like a giant vacuum cleaner, the GPT3 AI platform infrastructures are only too happy to consume as much data as it can be fed. However, ChatGPT is not without its flaws as it has been reported that ChatGPT’s training data has algorithmic data bias and generated a rap indicating that women and scientists of color were inferior to white and male scientists.

Learning English From QA

This blog post will explore how you can use Q&A (question and answer) sessions as an effective way to learn English. We will discuss the benefits of using this method, how to find or create suitable Q&A materials, and how to get the most out of your study sessions. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, you will find useful tips and techniques for improving your English skills through Q&A practice.

What is different between lay out and lay off

"Layout" typically refers to the arrangement or design of something, such as the layout of a room or the layout of a document. "Lay off," on the other hand, typically refers to the act of dismissing or temporarily dismissing an employee from their job, often due to economic conditions or a decrease in the company's needs. They are completely different terms with different meanings.

你的缺點之一是不太知恩感恩, 你經常忘記過去發生的事情,特別是曾經值得感恩的事情。這可能會影響你與他人之間的關係,因為他們可能會覺得你不夠感激他們對你的幫助。建議你可以開始記錄下他人給予你的幫助,並且定期回顧這些記錄,以便能更好地感恩和記住這些事情。

One of your weaknesses is that you are not very grateful, often forgetting past events, especially those that were worth gratitude. This may affect your relationships with others, as they may feel that you are not grateful enough for their help. It is suggested that you start to record the help given by others, and review these records regularly, so that you can better appreciate and remember these things.

What is detrimental

Detrimental refers to something that causes harm or damage, or that has a negative effect on something or someone. It can also be used. to describe something that is likely to cause negative consequences or to have a harmful impact. In other words, it is something that can be harmful or damaging to one's well-being, development or success. It could be used to describe an action, behavior, situation or condition that causes harm or negative effects.

For example, smoking is detrimental to one's health because it causes lung cancer, heart diseases and other illnesses. A detrimental work environment can lead to employee burn out and lower productivity. A detrimental attitude can prevent one from achieving their goals.

Can i say "Lack of appreciation is detrimental in a long run?"

Yes, "Lack of appreciation is detrimental in a long run" is a good way to express the idea that not understanding the importance of gratitude can have negative effects on one's mental and emotional well-being over time. It means that if someone doesn't practice gratitude and fails to appreciate the things they have, it can lead to negative emotions and state of mind in the long term, which affects their mental and emotional health.

What is restless and also in Chinese

The adjective "restless" means having or showing a tendency to be unable to stay still, relax or be at ease, either physically or mentally. It refers to someone who is agitated, uneasy, or constantly moving. They may find it hard to relax, sit still, or focus on one thing for very long. They may also have a hard time sleeping or feeling calm. For example, "He was restless all night and couldn't fall asleep" or "She was restless during the meeting and couldn't sit still" It can also describe a state or condition that is characterized by constant change or activity. For example, "The stock market has been restless for the past month" or "The weather was restless all day, with sunny spells and sudden rain showers"

"Restless" in Chinese can be translated as

"不安" (bù'ān), "焦躁" (jiāozào) or "不安定" (bù'āndìng). "不安" (bù'ān) which means uneasy or unsettled. "焦躁" (jiāozào) which means agitated or restless.

"不安定" (bù'āndìng) which means unstable or insecure All of these terms convey the idea of being unable to relax, stay still, or find peace. They describe a state of mind or an emotion that is characterized by a feeling of agitation or unease.


"Step-by-step tasks" in English can be referred to as "milestone tasks" or "phased tasks". A milestone task is a significant step in a project or process that marks a major achievement or progress. It's a way to measure the progress of a project by breaking it down into smaller and manageable chunks.

Phased task is a task that is divided into several stages, each of which must be completed before the next stage can begin. It's a way to ensure that the task is completed in a logical and organized manner, by breaking down the task into smaller manageable chunks. For example, "We're following a phased approach for this project, completing milestone tasks along the way" or "We've divided the project into several stages, each stage is a set of phased tasks"


In English can be translated as "Once a milestone is reached, the next objective will be pursued" or "Upon completion of each step-by-step target, the next goal will be set". It means that a person is someone who has a clear plan, is goal-oriented and takes a step-by-step approach to achieve their goals. Once they reach one goal they set for themselves, they will immediately look for another goal to pursue. They don't stay idle and are always looking for something to achieve.


"Not knowing the meaning of one's existence in the world" in English can be translated as "Being uncertain about the purpose or reason for one's being in the world" or "Not understanding the significance of one's existence in the world".

It means that a person is questioning the reason for their existence and the purpose of their life in this world. They may feel a sense of confusion or uncertainty about their place in the world and what their role or purpose is in it.


The English term for "交叉點" is "intersection" or "crossroads"

An intersection is a place where two or more roads or streets meet and cross each other. It is a point where vehicles, bicycles or pedestrians can change direction or cross the path of other vehicles or pedestrians.

A crossroads is a place where two roads or streets intersect. It is a point where people or vehicles can make a choice of direction to go.

For example, "I'll meet you at the intersection of Main Street and Oak Avenue" or "I got lost at the crossroads, I didn't know which way to turn"

Can you give me some examples of sponge off or sponge from

"Sponge off" or "sponge from" typically refers to the act of taking advantage of someone else's generosity or resources without contributing anything in return. It is a term used to describe someone who lives off the generosity of others, either by receiving free food, money, or other resources.

For example, "He's been sponging off his parents for years" means that he's been living off his parents' money for a long time without contributing anything in return.

Another example "He's been sponging from his friend's wealth" means that he's been taking advantage of his friend's resources without contributing anything in return.

"She's been sponging off her roommates by not paying her share of the rent" means that she's been living in the apartment but not contributing to the cost of living.

It's a negative term, and it implies that the person using this phrase is taking advantage of someone else's generosity without giving anything back in return.

Is agitated and overwhelmed the same

Agitated and overwhelmed are similar but have slightly different connotations.

Agitated refers to someone who is visibly and emotionally upset, restless, or uneasy. It implies(暗指) that a person is visibly showing signs of emotional disturbance such as pacing, fidgeting, or speaking excessively.

Overwhelmed, on the other hand, refers to someone who is feeling a sense of being overpowered or unable to cope with a situation. It implies that a person is feeling a sense of being emotionally or mentally overwhelmed by the situation or task at hand. They may be unable to process or deal with the situation or task in a rational and level-headed way.

In summary, both agitated and overwhelmed describe a state of emotional or mental disturbance, but agitated implies that a person is visibly showing signs of disturbance, while overwhelmed implies that a person is feeling a sense of being overpowered by the situation.


"Bearing responsibility" in English refers to the act of taking on and being accountable for a task or obligation. It means that someone is willing to accept the consequences of their actions and is willing to do what needs to be done to fulfill their duties. For example, "He is willing to bear the responsibility of leading the team" or "She is ready to take on the responsibility of her actions"

"Having a heavy burden" in English refers to the feeling of being overwhelmed by a task or responsibility that is difficult to handle. It means someone is carrying a heavy load, it can be emotional, mental or physical, and it can be difficult to cope with. For example, "He is carrying a heavy burden of debt" or "She is feeling the heavy burden of taking care of her ill parents"

The difference between the two is that "bearing responsibility" is the act of taking on and being accountable for a task or obligation, while "having a heavy burden" is the feeling of being overwhelmed by a task or responsibility that is difficult to handle.


"Too polite" in English can be expressed as "overly polite" or "excessively courteous."

我們跟隨一位 師父的英文怎麼說

"We follow a teacher/mentor" in English can be expressed as "We follow a master/guru."

收到 師父的禮物或恩典的英文怎麼說

"Received a gift/blessing from our teacher/mentor" in English can be expressed as "Received a gift/blessing from our master/guru."


"I am a person who only looks forward and does not reflect on the past" in English can be expressed as "I am a person who only looks forward and does not look back."


"Negating/Refusing all that benefactors have given me" in English can be expressed as "Denying/Rejecting/Turning down all the help/favors/gifts that benefactors have provided me with."


A "partial baldness" or "circular baldness" in English can be referred as "localized baldness" or "bald spot" or "bald patch" or "alopecia areata" .


"Unfortunately" and "pitifully" in English can be expressed as "unfortunately" and "pitifully" respectively. "Unfortunately" is an adverb used to indicate that something is not desired or expected, it express regret, disappointment or dissatisfaction. "Pitifully" is an adverb used to indicate that something is sad or unfortunate, it express sympathy, compassion or sorrow. For example "Unfortunately, he lost his job" , "Pitifully, the children are living in poverty"

What is noun for pity

The noun form of "pity" is "pity" as well. Pity is a noun that refers to a feeling of sorrow or compassion for the suffering or misfortunes of others. For example: "He felt a deep sense of pity for the homeless man on the street." or "she looked at him with pity in her eyes"


"Contentful satisfaction" is a phrase that describes a sense of satisfaction that is deeply felt and complete. The noun forms of "satisfaction" can be "contentment" "fulfillment" or "gratification" . They all convey the idea of feeling pleased or fulfilled in some way. For example "The contentment of a job well done" or "He felt a sense of fulfillment after completing his project" or "Her gratifications of helping others"

What is the noun of hulucinate & Is hullucination the same as illusion?

"Hallucination" is the noun form of "hallucinate." A hallucination is an experience of something that is not real, but is perceived as real by the person experiencing it. It can involve any of the senses, including sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. Hallucinations can be caused by a variety of factors, including mental illness, drugs, and sleep disorders.

Hallucination and illusion are similar in that they both involve perceiving something that is not actually present, but they are not exactly the same.

A hallucination is a false perception or experience of something that is not actually present, and it can occur in any of the senses. Hallucinations can be caused by a variety of factors, such as mental illness, drugs, and sleep disorders. They are often associated with a loss of contact with reality.

An illusion, on the other hand, is a false perception of something that is actually present. Illusions can occur in any of the senses, but they are most commonly associated with vision. Illusions are often caused by the brain interpreting sensory information incorrectly, and they can be created by a variety of factors such as optical illusions. They are often associated with a misinterpretation of reality.

In summary, both hallucinations and illusions involve perceiving something that is not actually present, but hallucinations are false perceptions of something that is not there at all, while illusions are false perceptions of something that is there.


"Steady" or "Steadfast" are common adjectives that can be used to describe "穩重" in English.

"Steady" refers to something or someone that is well balanced, stable and not likely to change. It can also refer to someone who is dependable and reliable.

"Steadfast" refers to someone or something that is unwavering, resolute and committed. It can also mean someone who is loyal and constant.

For example, "He is a steady and reliable worker" or "She is steadfast in her beliefs and principles"

Is there any term to describe mature and in more steadfast way

Yes, "mature and steadfast" can be described as "poised" or "dignified".

"Poised" refers to someone or something that is balanced, self-possessed and self-assured, and able to remain calm and collected in difficult situations. It can also describe someone who has a sense of grace and elegance in their behavior.

"Dignified" means having or showing a composed and self-respecting manner, having a sense of respectability and nobility, characterized by formality and propriety in conduct and appearance.

For example, "His behavior was always poised and dignified" or "She handled the situation with a poise and dignity that impressed everyone"

因為政策的驟變,人民變得 agitated

Due to the sudden change in policy, the people have become agitated" in English can be expressed as "The sudden change in policy has caused the people to become agitated" or "The population has become agitated as a result of the sudden shift in policy.

What is self-possessed

"Self-possessed" refers to someone who is in control of their emotions, thoughts and actions. It describes a person who is confident, composed, and not easily rattled or flustered. A self-possessed person is able to remain calm and collected even in difficult or stressful situations, they are not easily swayed by the opinions or actions of others and they have a strong sense of self-control and self-assurance. It can also describe someone who has a high degree of self-awareness and is able to act in accordance with their own beliefs and values.

For example "He remained self-possessed even in the face of extreme pressure" or "She was always self-possessed and knew exactly what she wanted"

What is calm and collected

"Calm and collected" is a phrase used to describe someone who is composed, self-controlled and not easily agitated or upset. They are able to remain in a state of composure and maintain a level head, even in difficult or stressful situations. They are not easily swayed by the opinions or actions of others and they have a strong sense of self-control and self-assurance. They are able to think and act in a rational and level-headed way.

For example, "He remained calm and collected during the storm" or "She handled the situation with a calm and collected attitude that impressed everyone"

What is agitated

Agitated means to be excited, disturbed, or upset. It is often used to describe someone who is visibly and emotionally upset, restless, or uneasy. It can also mean someone who is feeling mentally or emotionally disturbed, and showing it through behavior such as pacing, fidgeting, or speaking excessively. Agitated can also refer to describe a situation which is in a state of confusion, disorder, or excitement.

For example "The crowd became agitated when they didn't get what they want" , "He was agitated by the news and couldn't sleep"

What is composed

Composed refers to a state of being calm, self-controlled and not easily agitated or upset. A composed person is able to remain in a state of composure, maintain a level head, and handle situations in a calm and rational way. They are not easily swayed by the opinions or actions of others, and they have a strong sense of self-control and self-assurance. They are able to think and act in a rational and level-headed way.

For example "He remained composed during the difficult meeting" or "She handled the crisis with a composed and professional manner"

What is a level head

A "level head" refers to the ability to think and act rationally and calmly in difficult or stressful situations. It implies that a person is able to remain calm, clear-headed and make well-considered decisions, even when under pressure. It suggests that a person is not easily swayed by emotions or impulsiveness. A person with a level head is able to remain objective and make logical decisions even in the face of adversity.

For example "He always keeps a level head and is able to make sound decisions" or "She is able to stay calm and think clearly when everyone else is losing their heads"


"A simple person likes simple things" in English can be translated as "A person who is straightforward prefers things that are also straightforward".

Another way to say it could be, "A person who is unassuming finds pleasure in simplicity" It means that the person who is simple and uncomplicated in their tastes and preferences, they enjoy things that are also simple and easy to understand.

I remember that day I’m so hyped

"I remember that day, I was so excited/enthusiastic" in English can be expressed as "I remember that day, I was so hyped."

"Hype" is a colloquial term used to describe a high level of excitement or enthusiasm about something, it can be used to describe the feeling of being excited or pumped up about something.

What is pump up

"Pump up" means to get oneself or others excited, motivated or energized. It can be used to describe the act of creating or increasing enthusiasm, motivation, or energy in oneself or others. It is often used in the context of preparing for a physical or mental challenge, or to encourage people to perform at their best. It can also be used to describe the feeling of being excited or energized.

For example, "He pumps himself up before a big game", "The coach pumped up the team before the match" or "I'm trying to pump myself up for the exam" It can also be used as a verb "to pump up" meaning to inflate something, such as air in a tire.


The act of inflating a tire is commonly referred to as "pumping up" a tire, this phrase can also be used as a verb "to pump up"

For example "I need to pump up the tires on my bike" or "I have to pump up the tires before we hit the road"

What is hospitalized

"Hospitalized" refers to the state of being admitted to a hospital for medical treatment. It means that a person is receiving care in a hospital under the supervision of medical professionals. It can be used as a verb, when someone is being admitted to the hospital, or as an adjective to describe the state of the person who is in the hospital. For example, "He was hospitalized for a week" or "She has been hospitalized since last night" It usually refers to a person who is staying in the hospital for a certain period of time for medical treatment, observation or surgery.

Can you give me some other common phrasal verbs end with off

Here are some more examples of common phrasal verbs that end with "off":

  • Take off: to remove, depart from a place or launch
  • Cut off: to disconnect or sever something
  • Turn off: to stop or switch off something
  • Put off: to postpone or delay something
  • Hold off: to delay or hold back something
  • Show off: to display or boast something
  • Back off: to retreat or withdraw
  • Knock off: to finish or stop working
  • Lay off: to dismiss or stop employing someone
  • Come off: to separate or detach from something
  • Bounce off: to rebound or deflect from something
  • Hit off: to strike or collide with something
  • Rub off: to remove or erase something by rubbing
  • Peel off: to remove or detach something by peeling
  • Fall off: to detach or come loose from something
  • Blow off: to release air or gas from something
  • Brush off: to dismiss or ignore something
  • Wear off: to fade or decrease in effectiveness
  • Work off: to reduce or eliminate something through exercise or physical activity
  • Pay off: to settle a debt or to have a positive outcome from an investment
  • Cut off: to disconnect or sever something
  • Turn off: to stop or switch off something
  • Put off: to postpone or delay something
  • Hold off: to delay or hold back something
  • Show off: to display or boast something
  • Back off: to retreat or withdraw


"The value of Taiwan's currency is weaker than the US dollar" in English can be expressed as "The Taiwan dollar is weaker than the US dollar".

You can also say "The exchange rate of Taiwan dollar to US dollar is unfavorable" or " The Taiwan dollar is devalued against the US dollar".

It means that the Taiwan dollar is not as valuable as the US dollar, so it takes more Taiwan dollars to purchase the same amount of goods or services that can be bought with one US dollar.


"Free quota" in English can be translated as "complimentary allowance" or "gratis allotment". It means the amount or number of things that are given or allowed to be used or taken without charge or at no cost. It could be a number of phone calls, data usage, hours of usage, or any other type of resource that is given to someone without charge. For example, "The company offers its employees a free quota of phone calls" or "The internet service provider gives customers a complimentary allowance of data usage"

Another way to say it is "Free limit" which means the maximum amount or number of things that can be used or taken without charge or at no cost. For example, "This credit card gives you free limit of $1000" or "This membership offers you free limit of 10 books per month"

What is different tiers of family

Different tiers of family refer to different levels of relationships within a family. The most common tiers of family include:

  1. Immediate family: This includes parents, children, and siblings. They are the closest relatives and often live in the same household.
  2. Extended family: This includes grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and other relatives who may not live in the same household as the immediate family.
  3. Nuclear family: This is a term used to describe a family unit that consists of parents and their children.
  4. Blended family: This is a term used to describe a family unit that is made up of people from different families, such as step-parents, step-siblings, and half-siblings.
  5. Single-parent family: This is a family unit that is made up of one parent and their children.

These are just a few examples of different tiers of family, but there are many other types of family structures and relationships. The important thing to remember is that every family is unique and there is no one "right" way for a family to be structured.

What is rapple in "There has to be some kind of rapport there"

In the context of the phrase "There has to be some kind of rapport there," rapport refers to a positive and harmonious relationship between two or more people. It is characterized by mutual understanding, trust, and a sense of connection. When people have rapport, they are able to communicate effectively and work together well.

Rapport is an important aspect of human interaction, and is often necessary for building relationships, teamwork and achieving a common goal. It can be established through mutual interests, shared experiences, and effective communication.

In the phrase you provided, "there has to be some kind of rapport there" it means that there must be a positive and harmonious relationship between the people involved in order for them to work or communicate effectively


The English translation for "研究所" is "research institute."

"研究所" can also be translated as "graduate school" or "postgraduate school" as it refers to a higher education institution where students can pursue advanced degrees, such as masters and Ph.D.

This translation is not wrong , but "research institute" is more general and it could refers to a place where scientific research is done, and not necessary for postgraduate education only.

What is "save me a sob story."? Can you give me some examples of sentences capitalized with "Save Me Bla Bla"?

"Save me a sob story" is an idiomatic phrase that is used to ask someone not to tell a sad or emotional story. It is often used as a way to express that the person doesn't want to hear about someone else's problems or negative experiences.

Here are a few examples of how the phrase "save me" can be used in different contexts:

  • "Save me the excuses, I don't want to hear them." - This means "don't bother telling me your reasons or excuses, I don't want to listen to them"
  • "Save me the details, I don't need to know all the specifics." - This means "Don't bother telling me all the details, I don't need that information"
  • "Save me the drama, I've had enough for one day." - This means "don't bother telling me about a problem or situation that will create more drama, I've had enough for the day"

In each of these examples, the phrase "save me" is used to indicate that the speaker does not want to hear or receive certain information or experiences.

What is so you know in "And just so you know, I don't usually pay when I go out to eat. I'm a influencer w/ heaps of followers, so if i tag you, you'll get heaps of business."

In the sentence "And just so you know, I don't usually pay when I go out to eat. I'm a influencer with heaps of followers, so if I tag you, you'll get heaps of business," the phrase "just so you know" is used to give additional information or to emphasize a point. It is similar to saying "in case you didn't know" or "to let you know" .

It is used to inform the listener that the speaker is about to share something important or relevant, or to provide background information for the conversation. In this case, the speaker is letting the listener know that they are an influencer with many followers and that if the restaurant is tagged by them, the restaurant will receive a lot of business.

Beautiful Paragraph a.i. has helped me to write in such a way that I can rephrase

  • I don't know if it's because of the darkness and loneliness, or because I'm too worried about being lost, but I couldn't sleep well that night. My mind was full of thoughts about what I should do if I encountered any danger on that road.

What is belittle in "A colleague once tried to belittle me for my accent", and is it the same as degrade

"Belittle" means to make something or someone seem less important or valuable than they actually are, often through negative or dismissive language or behavior. It can also mean to speak or act in a way that makes someone feel small or inferior.

In the sentence "A colleague once tried to belittle me for my accent", the colleague is trying to diminish the value of the person accent by using negative or dismissive language or behavior.

Yes, "degrade" is similar to belittle in that both words imply a reduction in status or value. "Degrade" specifically means to lower in rank, status or quality. So, belittle is a specific way of degrading someone or something.


"Granular" refers to the size or nature of small particles or grains. It can be used to describe a wide range of things, from the texture of a substance like sugar or sand to the level of detail in a piece of data or information. In general, granular means composed of small particles or grains and can be used as an adjective to describe something as having a granular texture, or a granular level of detail.

Example: "The granular sugar dissolves more quickly than the coarse sugar."

Another example: "The report provided a granular analysis of the market trends, breaking down the data by region and product category."

Can you help me to correct the grammer

My colleague tried to big me up of my accent in a good way. One day after i want him to mock taiwanese accent like me after he finished mocking up Italian accent. He said he can't. He said my accent is closer to native speaker now from the time being and he thinks i sound like a native speaker. I still felt skepticle and just feel absurd.

"My colleague tried to compliment my accent in a positive way. One day, after he finished mocking an Italian accent, I asked him to mock a Taiwanese accent like mine. He said he couldn't because he thinks my accent is now closer to that of a native speaker. Despite this, I still felt skeptical and found it absurd."

It will be ok and It is ok difference

"It is OK too if you want to go type with declare namespace" OR "It will be OK too if you want to go type with declare namespace"

Both are correct and commonly used. The only difference is in the choice of phrasing. "It is OK too" is using "is" to refer to a singular object, whereas "It will be OK too" is using "will be" to refer to a hypothetical object or future event. Both convey the same meaning and are grammatically correct.

Probably I want to say in the next lesson


  • When I first type my article or script, the words feel like they are flowing through different areas of my brain in terms of speaking and writing. I am not used to writing down what was spoken a lot and vice versa.
  • When I speak English, my native language is Chinese. My intonation pattern always rises at the end of a sentence.
  • Thanks for saying that I have a lot of friends around. After reflecting on our conversation, I tend to focus on what I don't have and lose sight of what I already have
  • I do not acknowledge that I have many friends in the first place if you remember the our previous conversation.
  • One of my weaknesses is that i'm not very grateful, often forgetting past events, especially those that were worth gratitude. This may affect my relationships with others, as they may feel that i'm not grateful enough for their help. i ought to start to record the help given by others, and review these records regularly, so that I can better appreciate and remember these things.
  • I feel a little bit rusty when I have been away from English for several days.
( When I'm typing up my notes during a meeting, it feels like different parts of my brain are working. I don't use the words that come out of my mouth very often, so when they do appear on the screen in front of me it's a bit surprising.

( When I first type my article or script, the words feel like they are flowing through different sections of my brain. I am not used to writing down what was spoken a lot and vice versa.

( When I first type up the article or script I want to take notes on during a meeting, it feels like my brain is working in two different ways[areas]. It's not used to using certain words as much (spoken) and others less so (written).
(mine) When I speak English and chinese is my mother tongue lang. My intonation always go up in the end
( When I speak English and Chinese is my mother tongue, my intonation always goes up at the end of a sentence.
( When I speak English, my native language is Chinese. My intonation pattern always rises at the end of a sentence or phrase

(chatgpt) This is a common phenomenon known as "language interference" or "accentuation." It occurs when speakers of one language transfer the intonation patterns of their native language to their second language. This can make it difficult for native speakers of the second language to understand the speaker, but it can be improved with practice and guidance from a teacher or tutor.

(chatgpt) Accentuation refers to the way in which the stress or emphasis is placed on certain syllables or words within a phrase or sentence. It is an important aspect of spoken language and can change the meaning of a word or phrase if the stress is placed incorrectly. Accentuation can also refer to the way in which different languages use stress, intonation, and pitch to convey meaning, and how speakers of one language may transfer those patterns to a second language, which can be perceived as an accent.
(mine) Thanks teacher Alma saying i have a lot of friends around. I tend to see what i don't have, and lose focus on what i've already have.
(chatgpt correction) Thanks, teacher Alma for saying that I have a lot of friends around. I tend to focus on what I don't have and lose sight of what I already have

( Thank you for pointing out that I have many friends. Sometimes, when I'm feeling insecure, it's hard for me to remember how well-liked (and loved) i am.
( Thanks, Alma. I have a lot of friends around me who help keep me positive and focused on my goals—instead of worrying about what's missing in life.

Here are the corrections I made:

  • Added a comma after "Thanks"
  • Changed "saying" to "for saying" to make the sentence grammatically correct
  • Changed "see" to "focus on" to make the sentence more clear
  • Changed "lose focus" to "lose sight" to make the sentence more clear

Feeling insecure refers to a state of emotional insecurity or uncertainty about oneself. It often involves feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, and a lack of confidence in one's abilities or characteristics. People who feel insecure may worry about being judged or rejected by others, and may avoid certain situations or interactions as a result.

Insecurity can stem from a variety of sources, such as past experiences, childhood traumas, or current stressors. It can also be exacerbated by external factors such as bullying, discrimination or negative comparisons. It is a normal emotion that we all experience in different moments of our lives, but when it becomes excessive and chronic, it can affect one's mental and emotional well-being and can lead to depression, anxiety, self-esteem issues and other mental health problems.

(mine) At first, I didn't want to be seen as someone who has many friends.
(chatgpt) I do not acknowledge that I have many friends in the first place if you remember the previous conversation.

(mine) After reflecting on our conversation. It feels like i am not really see what i have. I do have some positive and harmonious relationships w/ whether in Junior high, university, and even w/ colleagues in current or previous job. I ate w/ my supervisor and the pm i work w/.

( After reflecting on our conversation, I feel as though my previous experiences have not been entirely positive. In junior high and college, for example, there were many instances where other people took advantage of me or criticized others in front of their peers—as opposed to working it out privately with them

In the sentence "I feel as though my previous experiences have not been entirely positive," the phrase "as though" is a conjunction used to indicate a comparison or analogy. In this context, the speaker is saying that they have the feeling or impression that their previous experiences have not been entirely positive, even though they might not be completely sure.

The phrase "as though" is used to indicate that the speaker is expressing a personal feeling or belief, rather than stating a fact. It suggests a sense of uncertainty or doubt, and can be used to express a hypothetical or possible situation.

One of my weaknesses is that i'm not very grateful, often forgetting past events, especially those that were worth gratitude. This may affect my relationships with others, as they may feel that i'm not grateful enough for their help. i ought to start to record the help given by others, and review these records regularly, so that I can better appreciate and remember these things.
(mine) i feel a little bit raw when Im not saying english for several days
( I feel a little bit off when I am not speaking English for several days.
( I feel a little bit rusty when I have been away from English for several days.
( I feel a little bit out of sorts when I'm not speaking English for several days.


means not level or not in balance, often used to describe a situation or a person's behavior that is not normal or stable. It can also be used to describe something that is slightly askew or not quite right.

Sure, here is an example of "off-kilter" in a sentence: "The picture hanging on the wall was slightly off-kilter, giving the room a disorienting feeling."

Another example: "After losing his job, he felt off-kilter and unsure of what to do next."

Out of sorts

means not feeling well or in a bad mood, or not in proper order or condition. It can be used to describe a person's physical or emotional state, or a situation that is not as it should be.

Example: "I woke up feeling out of sorts this morning, so I stayed in bed for an extra hour."

Another example: "The team was out of sorts during the game, they couldn't seem to get their coordination together."

No consecutive numbers (like 1234 or 4321)


The English phrase for "跟客服反應" (gēn kèfú fǎnyìng) is "to give feedback to customer service." This phrase refers to the act of providing feedback to a customer service representative about a product or service that you have used, or about your experience interacting with the company.

The English phrase for "跟上級反應" (gēn shàngjí fǎnyìng) is "to give feedback to superiors." This phrase refers to the act of providing feedback to someone in a higher position of authority, such as a manager or supervisor, about a matter related to the company or organization.

Another way to say it could be "to report to superiors" or "to provide feedback to superiors"

Example: "I need to give feedback to superiors about a problem I had with my work." or "I want to report to superiors about the poor performance of my team."

It's important to note that giving feedback to superiors or customer service can be done in a formal or informal way, and it's important to follow the company's guidelines or instructions on how to provide feedback in a professional manner.

What is professionally in "games professionally"

"Professionally" in the context of games refers to playing games at a competitive level for financial gain or as a career. A professional gamer is someone who plays games competitively and earns a living from it, whether it's through tournament winnings, sponsorships, or streaming or content creation on platforms like Twitch or YouTube.

Professional gaming has become a recognized industry in recent years, and many professional gamers are able to make a significant income from their skills and fame. Professional gaming teams and organizations exist, similar to those in traditional sports, and tournaments and leagues have been established with large cash prizes.

To become a professional gamer, one typically needs to have a high level of skill and experience in the game they want to play professionally. This can be achieved through practice, studying the game, and participating in amateur tournaments. In addition, professional gamers often have to be able to handle the pressure of competing at a high level and have good communication and teamwork skills.

It's important to note that, while professional gaming can be a rewarding career, it's also a highly competitive field with many dedicated players vying for a limited number of spots. Also, like any profession, professional gaming requires dedication, hard work, and a good understanding of the industry.


The word "amateur" is used to describe a person who engages in an activity for pleasure rather than for financial gain. It can be used to describe someone who is not a professional in a particular field, such as an amateur athlete or an amateur musician. The word comes from the French word "amateur," which means "lover of" or "one who loves."

An amateur is someone who does something for the love of it, not as a profession. Someone who is an amateur is not paid for their work and may not have the same level of skill or experience as a professional.

In sport, an amateur is a person who has not competed for pay or compensation. In some countries, an amateur is not allowed to receive any kind of compensation, while in others an amateur can receive compensation but it should not exceed a certain amount or be used to cover expenses.

In photography, an amateur photographer is someone who takes pictures as a hobby, not as a profession.

It's important to note that the word "amateur" can also carry a connotation of not being as skilled or experienced as a professional, but that is not always the case, someone who is an amateur can be highly skilled and passionate about their hobby.

Distress in Chinese

"Distress" is a state of emotional or mental suffering that is caused by adverse circumstances or events. It can manifest as feelings of sadness, anxiety, fear, hopelessness, or helplessness, among others. Distress can be caused by a wide range of factors, such as personal problems, relationship difficulties, financial stress, health issues, traumatic events, or loss. The level of distress can vary from person to person, and in some cases, it can lead to more serious conditions such as depression or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Distress can have a negative impact on a person's physical, emotional, and mental well-being. People who are experiencing distress may have difficulty sleeping, eating, or concentrating, and may feel overwhelmed by their thoughts and emotions. They may also experience physical symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, or muscle tension.

If you or someone you know is experiencing distress, it is important to seek help. There are many different ways to address and manage distress, such as through therapy, counseling, support groups, or medication. It is also important to take care of oneself by getting enough sleep, eating well, exercising, and engaging in activities that bring pleasure and relaxation.

It's important to keep in mind that distress is a normal human experience, and it's important not to stigmatize or shame people who are going through it.

The Chinese word for "distress" is "苦恼" (kǔnǎo), which can be translated literally as "suffering from worry" or "troubled." The characters "苦" (kǔ) means "bitter" or "painful", and "恼" (nǎo) means "to be angry or annoyed" , together they form a word to express the idea of being in a state of emotional or mental suffering caused by adverse circumstances or events.

Another word to express distress in Chinese is "痛苦" (tòngkǔ) which is composed by "痛" (tòng) means "pain" or "sorrow" and "苦" (kǔ) means "bitter" or "painful" .

You could also use "忧伤" (yōushāng) which means "grief" or "sorrow".

It's important to note that Chinese language have a rich vocabulary to express emotions, and the choice of the word should depend on the context and the level of distress you want to express.

What is vie

The word "vie" is a verb that means to compete with someone or something, to strive to gain something by rivalry or contests, to struggle in rivalry to attain a position or goal. It is often used in the context of competition, sports, or in the workplace. The phrase "vying for a limited number of spots" means that there are a limited number of opportunities available and many people are competing or striving for those opportunities.

Example: "Many applicants are vying for the limited number of spots in the program."

put my head down?

"Putting your head down" can have a few different meanings depending on the context.

One common meaning is to lower one's head as a sign of submission, defeat, or shame. For example, if you have been scolded or criticized, you might put your head down in embarrassment.

Another meaning of putting your head down is to focus intently on a task or activity, to the point of neglecting other things around you. For example, if you are working on an important project, you might put your head down and work on it for hours without taking a break.

Additionally, "putting your head down" can also be a way to refer to taking a nap or sleeping. For example, you might say "I need to put my head down for a bit" when you are feeling tired and want to take a nap.

Lastly, in a physical way, "putting your head down" could mean to lower your head position, as in when you are doing a physical exercise, like a plank, and you need to lower your head to the ground.

It's important to note that the context and the tone in which the phrase is used will give you a clue about the specific meaning.

What is endless sales

What is spot in "vying for a limited number of spots"

In the phrase "vying for a limited number of spots," "spot" refers to a position or opportunity that is available and can be occupied by someone. In this context, it is referring to a position within a competitive field, such as a professional gaming league or tournament.

A "spot" is a specific place, position, or opportunity, and in this case, it's referring to the opportunity to participate or compete in the professional gaming league or tournament. The phrase "vying for a limited number of spots" means that there are a limited number of opportunities available and many people are competing for those opportunities.

It's also common to use "spot" in other competitive fields, such as in job market, where people are competing for a limited number of job openings, or in college admissions, where students are competing for a limited number of spots in a particular college or program.

It's important to note that "spot" can also be used in other context, the meaning will depend on the context and the phrase it's used in.

What is "That's a move"

"That's a move" is an idiomatic expression that is used to acknowledge and approve a bold or impressive action or decision. It can be used in a variety of situations, such as in business, sports, or personal interactions.

In a business context, "that's a move" could be used to praise a colleague for making a successful business decision or closing a big deal.

In sports, it could be used to acknowledge a particularly impressive play or move made by an athlete.

In personal interactions, it could be used to express approval or admiration for someone's bold or confident behavior, such as asking someone on a date, or making a bold fashion choice.

It's also commonly used in casual conversations as a way to express approval or admiration for someone's quick thinking, clever decision, or courage.

It's important to keep in mind that this expression is usually used in a casual way and it's not appropriate in a formal or professional context.

What is pet peeve

"Pet peeve" is an idiomatic expression that refers to a minor annoyance or irritation that a person feels towards a particular thing or situation. It's something that is not major but it can cause discomfort or displeasure.

A "pet peeve" is a personal thing, and it can be different from person to person, it could be something as small as the sound of people eating with their mouths open or as big as a certain behavior that someone does.

Example: "One of my pet peeves is when people don't return my emails promptly."

It's important to note that "pet peeve" is an idiomatic expression and it's not related to actual pets, and that it's often used in a lighthearted and casual way when talking about things that are not major but that people can find annoying.

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