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Translate Conversations

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Chen Han
Chen Han

Translation - first

  • 小明有沒有想過其實是自己心不夠安定所以容易反應在對很多事情會焦慮,例如家裡的東西

    Has it ever occurred to Han that it's because he's not stable enough that he tends to be anxious about a lot of things, like things at home?

  • 因為很安定的時候,其實沒什麼東西可以影響你

    Because when you're stable, nothing can actually affect you

  • 雖然我對於叔叔很多觀念很不能接受,但我確實也覺得小明常常放任自己心不安定,會看著家裡哪裡不好,然後就陷入裡面想要去改變~

    Although I can't accept many of your uncle's concepts (notions/ideaologies), I do feel that Han often lets his mind be unsettled and will look at what's wrong at home and then get caught up in it and want to change it~

  • 如果你願意第一時間真心覺知是自己的問題,真心懺悔,真的知道這是自己累世所造諸惡業,才有可能不會一直站在自己立場想要改變家裡那些不應該讓你來丟的東西

    If you are willing to be the first to truly realize that it's your own fault, to truly repent and know that it's all the bad karma you've created in your lifetime, then you may not keep standing up for yourself and trying to change the things in your family that you shouldn't have to throw away.

  • 因為很多時候,會繼續想丟,是因為自己不承認是自己的習氣

    Because often, you will continue to want to throw things away because you don't admit that it is your own habit.

  • 所以可能這段時間你也沒有真的想去懺悔,又或是可能有懺悔,但其實不真心,也沒有想要擺脫這個習氣,因為你心裡還是會抱有一絲絲想法是,是家人的問題

    So maybe you didn't really want to confess during this time, or maybe you did confess, but you didn't really want to get rid of the habit because you still have the slightest idea in your mind that it's... It's a family problem.

  • 我也一直在犯錯,可是我會跟 師父懺悔,跟 師父承認是我錯了

    I've been making mistakes too, but I'll confess to my Master and admit to him that I'm wrong.

  • 我才有機會改變

    I have a chance to change

  • 不然我不就每天都被業力騙,都覺得是家人的問題,我自己最沒問題嗎~

    Otherwise I would be cheated by karma every day, thinking that it's my family's problem and I have no problem at all~

  • 但其實我也很有問題啊,因為我很多執著,而且很容易心不安不定,很容易對於聲音感到煩躁想生氣

    But I actually have a problem too, because I have a lot of obsessions, and I'm easily restless, easily annoyed and angry at voices

  • 可是 師父是大成就明師~

    No, the Master is not here

  • 是我們自己

    It's us

  • 一定要相信,當我們的心不定

    must believe that when our mind is restless

  • 不是 師父不在

    Isn't master here

  • 是我們自己不想要、也不願意、也不扎實

    doesn't want, doesn't want, isn't solid

  • 小明,你讓家人生氣,過了就算了,可是要提醒自己每一次都要真心的懺悔,真心的向家人道歉,有時候沒跟家人說出自己的問題,例如說:我自己真很容易被影響,很對不起

    if you make your family angry, forget it, but remind yourself that every time you have to sincerely repent and apologize to your family, sometimes you don't tell them your problems, for example, that I am really easily influenced and I am sorry

  • 那就代表自己的道歉也是表面的了

    That means one's apology is also superficial

  • 要知道自己為了什麼道歉,也要練習把自己做不好的告訴媽媽

    To know what you are apologising for and to practise telling your mum what you have done wrong

  • 爸爸也許不會理你

    Daddy may not care about you

  • 但媽媽會聽,會知道你有在內省

    But mum will listen and know that you've been introspective

  • 你可能會覺得我對媽媽很容易不耐煩,這真的是我一直很自責的地方,可是我就是承認,就知道是我自己的錯,媽媽沒怎樣。我就是跟他道歉

    You may think I get impatient with mum easily, that's really what I've been blaming myself for, but I just admit it, I know it's my own fault, mum's not doing anything. I just apologised to him

  • 就跟 師父懺悔

    Just confess to the Master

  • 我也會跟媽媽說我自己沒突破的地方,真心的謝謝她包容我

    I will also tell my mum what I didn't break through, thanking her sincerely for putting up with me

  • 如果我不講,也代表我的面子比誰都重要

    If I don't say it, it means my face is more important than anyone else's

  • 只是不希望你一直這樣,也不開心

    Just don't want you to stay like this and be unhappy

  • 久了也會自責覺得自己沒有突破

    After a long time, I will also blame myself for not breaking through

  • 一直沒內省懺悔,久了就會變成自責了

    if you don't do any introspection and repentance, you will become self-condemned after a long time

  • 昨天跟姊姊去夜市的時候看到毛毛拖鞋

    Yesterday, when I went to the night market with my sister, I saw hairy slippers

  • 好舒服喔~一雙兩百

    So comfortable ~ 200 for a pair

  • 我買了!!剛剛好我的腳可以卡住

    I bought them! Just the right size for my foot to get stuck in

  • 還可以丟洗衣機

    And they can be washed in the washing machine

Translate - second

  • 對所以我就問媽媽

    Yes, so I asked my mother

  • 請問叔叔幾歲?

    How old is my uncle?

  • 大人真的很奇怪

    Adults are really strange

  • 自己男友大女兒多少歲

    How old is your boyfriend's daughter?

  • 是沒想過女兒的重要嗎

    Don't you think about the importance of your daughter?

  • 異性還是有差啊

    There's still a difference between the opposite sex

  • 我就跟我媽媽說

    I told my mother

  • 一堆人單親的小孩都還不能接受

    I told my mother that a bunch of single-parent kids are still unacceptable

  • 他就說:小孩怎麼都這樣!!

    And she said, "Why are all kids like that?

  • 我就說:那你幹嘛生小孩!!

    I'm like, "Then why are you having kids?!

  • 有小孩不就該想到這個嗎?????

    Isn't that what you should think about when you have a child ?????

  • 為什麼要強迫自己女兒接受大他二十幾歲的叔叔?

    Why would you force your daughter to accept an uncle who is 20 years older than her?

  • 要一起住?

    To live together?

  • 女生還要穿內衣

    A girl has to wear underwear.

  • 到底?

    What the hell?

  • 大人是怎樣?

    What's wrong with adults?

  • 小孩不接受就不接受憑什麼硬要他接受阿

    If the child doesn't accept it, why should he be forced to accept it?

  • 大人都想著自己董很多,拿著那些懂很多告訴小孩你們要這樣才懂事

    Adults think that they know a lot and tell children that they need to know a lot to behave like this

  • 那誰想過自己小孩面對自己父母親跟另一半在一起

    Who would have thought that their children would be with their parents and their partners?

  • 我可以接受是因為我會強迫自己接受阿

    I can accept it because I can force myself to accept it

  • 難道我看自己媽媽跟別的叔叔睡我會爽嗎

    Would I be happy to see my mother sleeping with another uncle?

  • 我真的很氣耶

    I'm really angry!

  • 唉我又把心裡話說出來了我只是在裝乖而已

    I'm just pretending to be good again

  • 真的很想說,叔叔既然那麼愛她,知道她女兒不接受,又想一起住,是不會住外面一晚嗎..

    I really want to say that since my uncle loves her so much and knows that her daughter doesn't accept it and wants to live

    together, he won't stay out for one night...

  • 生了小孩知道要承擔起小孩對這些的心情,就不能不負責任只為自己想不為小孩想阿

    If you have a child, you know you have to take responsibility for the child's feelings about this, so you can't be irresponsible and think only of yourself and not of the child.

  • 真的很想罵髒話

    I really want to curse

  • 大人真的很白爛

    Adults are really lame

  • 我定不下來

    I can't settle down

  • 難道你也覺得自己小孩是女生,就該接受一個大叔來到自己家嗎?

    Do you also think you should accept an older man in your home because your child is a girl?

Translate - third

  • 對不對~~~~~~~~~~那看起來很好吃耶

    Isn't that right ~~~~~~~~~~ that looks delicious!

  • 我昨天查了提親的步驟,超可怕

    Yesterday, I looked up the steps for the marriage proposal

  • 我已經跟我爸爸說可不可以不要提親,我有講了你爸爸的狀況

    I already told my dad if he could not propose, I told him about your dad's situation

  • 提親男方都要有聘金,但有些是雙方說好就不用

    The man has to pay a dowry for the marriage proposal, but in some cases, it's not necessary if both parties agree

  • 三萬六到十二萬好像還好?反正你給我的最後就還是歸還給你XDDD

    36,000 to 120,000 seems good? Anyway, what you give me will be returned to you in the end XDDD

  • 但提親好像就還要選婚宴日

    But it seems that you have to choose the date of the wedding banquet to propose the marriage

  • 我覺得你要想一下耶不要為了錢

    I think you need to think about it, not for the money.

  • 倒不如介紹給陳霓

    I'd rather introduce you to Chen Ni

  • 那你自己跟姐姐說一下喔~也說下原因

    You should tell your sister about it, and tell her why.

  • 我其實也有想挑戰看看

    I've been thinking about it too

  • 那@@你再跟姊姊說你需要點時間想一下好了

    Then tell your sister you need some time to think about it

  • 昨天姐姐好像真的把廚房你光腳踩過的地方消毒過一遍了XD我有聽到擦地板的聲音

    Yesterday, I think my sister really disinfected the kitchen where you stepped on your bare feet XD I heard the sound of the floor being scrubbed

  • 你跟我姐姐住的話倒不如繼續跟你媽媽住,因為我姐姐跟你沒血緣關係,不會那麼包容你..

    If you're staying with my sister, you might as well stay with your mum because my sister is not related to you and won't be as tolerant...

  • 她偶而看到你會很開心,可是住一起的時候她就會變臉了

    She'll be happy to see you once in a while, but she'll change her face when we live together

  • 我媽媽會生氣不是沒原因的..

    There's no reason why my mum would be angry...

  • 我只是盡量不動到我姊的東西而已

    I just try not to touch my sister's stuff

  • 我姐姐沒有你想的好相處XD

    My sister doesn't get along as well as you think XD

  • 我們家抹布、每個都分得清清楚楚

    We keep our rags and everything clearly separated/ distinguished/ identified/ divided

  • 只要是不小心混到的

    Whenever there's an accidental mix-up

  • 我姐姐就會氣頭上直接丟抹布的那種

    My sister is the kind of person who throws a rag at her when she's angry

  • 就也隨時都會在家族群組跟我們講打掃的規則XDDDD

    She'll always tell us the rules of cleaning in the family group XDDDD

  • 心情好的時候會貼一個可愛的貼圖搭配文字..

    When she's in a good mood, she'll post a cute sticker with a text...

  • 但太多次的話,照片就出來了XDDDDDDDDD

    But if you do it too many times, the pictures will come out XDDDDDDDDD

  • 其實姊姊已經改變很多了,她以前會用罵的

    Actually my sister has changed a lot, she used to swear

  • 畢竟你不是她的家人@@

    After all, you're not her family @@@

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