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How to use Github and Gitlab

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Han Chen
Han Chen

Archive a project in Gitlab

To archive a project in GitLab, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the project's main page.
  2. Click on the "Settings" gear icon in the left sidebar.
  3. Scroll down to the "Advanced" section and click on the "Archive project" button.
  4. Confirm the action by clicking on "Archive project" again.

After you archive a project in GitLab, you will see a prompt similar to the following image. This prompt confirms that the project has been successfully archived and provides options for restoring it in the future if needed. Archiving a project in GitLab means that it is no longer actively maintained or updated, but its code and history will still be available for reference and can be restored if needed

Vercel - Deploy hooks

After you create a deploy hook in Vercel, you can trigger deployments by either pasting the URL provided by Vercel, or through a GitHub action. Additionally, you can manually trigger a deployment by making updates in the CMS. It's important to note that deploy hooks in Vercel provide a convenient way to automate the deployment process and can greatly improve the efficiency and reliability of your workflows.

What is different between webhooks, actions, and pages in github

GitHub Webhooks are events that trigger actions in response to changes to specific objects in a GitHub repository, such as commits, issues, and pull requests. They allow developers to automate tasks such as building and deploying code, running tests, and integrating with other tools and services.

GitHub Actions are a powerful way to automate, customize, and execute your software development workflows right in your GitHub repository. They provide a way to build, test, and deploy your code directly from GitHub. You can use Actions to automate your workflow, from building and testing your code, to deploying your application.

GitHub Pages is a static site hosting service that allows you to host a website directly from your GitHub repository. You can use GitHub Pages to host a personal, organization, or project website. GitHub Pages are powered by Jekyll, a static site generator that takes your content, renders Markdown and Liquid templates, and spits out a complete, static website ready to be served by Apache, Nginx or another web server.

In summary, GitHub Webhooks allow you to trigger events in response to changes in your repository, GitHub Actions allow you to automate tasks, and GitHub Pages allows you to host a website directly from your GitHub repository.


Webhooks are often used to trigger automatic actions or workflows in response to specific events happening on a remote server, such as a GitHub repository. Here are some common use cases for webhooks:

  • Continuous integration and deployment: Webhooks can be used to trigger automatic builds and deployments of your code whenever new commits are pushed to a specific branch of your repository. For example, you can set up a webhook that triggers a new build and deployment of your website every time you push changes to the master branch.
  • Automated testing: Webhooks can be used to trigger automated tests of your code whenever new commits are pushed to a specific branch of your repository. This can help you catch bugs early and ensure that your code is always in a releasable state.
  • ChatOps: Webhooks can be used to integrate with chat platforms such as Slack or Microsoft Teams, allowing developers to get notifications about specific events happening on their repository, such as pull requests being merged, issues being opened or closed, etc.
  • Data Processing and Analytics: Webhooks can be used to trigger data processing and analytics workflows, such as extracting specific data from a webhook payload, storing it in a database, and then using it for analytics or machine learning.
  • External services integration: Webhooks can be used to integrate with external services, such as payment gateways, email services, or CRM platforms. For example, you can set up a webhook that sends an email to a customer every time they make a purchase on your website.

Please keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list and there are many other use cases for webhooks, depending on your specific needs and the kind of project you are working on.

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