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Three Month Plan of Growth as a Software Developer

Cover Image for Three Month Plan of Growth as a Software Developer
Han Chen
Han Chen

These days I don’t want the dropdown always be hit by each re-rendering

From this POV I need to find a way to tackle this. Okay and I found the following blogpost can be a reference for this issue

I can choose to use react-use directly since react-use is always in our project (facts) and I can use right away OR find what’s a logic behind? why this author want to solve this sort of issue in that way? Eventually I found some keywords like “memo”, “previous” can help me to find more clues

I don't know if you can see those word shining since you’re native speakers, you are pretty used to those words in the conversation. However for me, that is 100% a jargon, and I’ll look into it accroding to those keywords for better insight. That’s how I immerse myself into task by observing.

Recycle Fee

Recently, in fact is today. Rex told me to add test for recycle fee.

Okay and I want to find our missing pull request we’ve made before or find some articles to ring a bell, think what I’ve done before.

That process will help me to construct how to add test to this project, just like when you say you want to add typescript, and Rex always praise a lot in terms of typescript. I don’t even feel how good it’s right? I don’t have that mindset due to no experience of typescript. Originally I added for adding. It was a torture (now Wei has a same feeling as mine before)

It was until you call out how terrible it is when there is no typescript for api inspired me “OH it is necessary to transform api stuff into typescript”, and that’s the turning point to do that.

Yeah there aren’t any right or wrong from this perspective. I immersed myself and think of “OH dang, this is a very good starting point” and I eventually gained experience and confidence over this

You graduated for 2 years and schoolwork is more like surveys what it happens how it work.

I take a very vivid (not i say it must you say) example. If you want to know how typescript work or how useState work.

Difference ways to learn - From defination or from real use case

There are 2 ways to figure out. One is to find the definition of how useState works. It works, but it’s quite forgettable since you don’t know how to use it.It is like learners to learn a new word.

How I learn the word "obviously" in real life

Like the word “obviously”. Obviously is the same as apparently, and it is adverb for obvious, the dictionary would provide the use case of obvious. Obviously i have a basic concept of this word, but I’m not in a loop of that because idk when to use it. However, after this business trip, I observed there are tons of people using “obviously ” even in my perspective it’s not really obvious. That's the culture difference.

Daniel replied: if use Apparently like this "Apparently, Daniel thinks Alma is pretty". If Jasmine were to hear you say that and tell one of her friends that quote then apparently means like based on what I heard this might be true

I did not really find any dictionary for searching this word. I just immersed myself and think of if I were you or Michelle, in which condition I can use the word “obviously ” There’s a culture difference and maybe I'm too downplay to something that you may not

Deep Dive into React Hook Concept by usePrevious Hook

Same logic. It is possible for devs to combine useState, useEffect and useRef to make a custom hook, persisting the previous useState value as the following

import { useState, useEffect, useRef } from "react";
import Button from "@/components/Button";

const usePrevious = (value: any) => {
  // create a new reference
  const ref = useRef();

  // store current value in ref
  useEffect(() => {
    ref.current = value;
  }, [value]); // only re-run if value changes

  // return previous value (happens before update in useEffect above)
  return ref.current;

const UsePrevious = () => {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(1);

  // get the previous value passed into the hook on the last render
  const prevCount = usePrevious(count);

  // show both current and previous value
  return (
    <div className="container mt-6">
        Now: {count}, before: {prevCount}
        onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}

export default UsePrevious;

Another example - Hover

you can also learn from this example to differentiate to role between useState and useRef.

You may find some people use useRef to tackle hover, not useState, and why? Hover is not needed to rerender so people choose to use useRef than useState.

Make back and forth for those thought process, you may successfully use your known to connect the unknown knowledge which doesn’t belongs to you. You then expand your knowledge. Imagine how spider web spreads out, we always do this sort of stuff when it comes to new things.

With an aid of chatGPT

Okay and now chatgpt can help you to get the answer in a quicker way. It has good and bad side. You always can leverage the digested data analyzed data. However, at the dark side, you lost your chance for processing and forming the hard-core memory if you slack on after receiving the analyzed information

I think that is one way can let you or even everyone in every stage to lift up to the next level. I remembered you’d created a hook for what landing page but that’s your first step to attempt to micmic how people create the custom hook, which is good.

You can keep thinking of “Is it worth for the existence for this hook?” or “how can I let them more generic?” to reflect on what you did. You can also question of everything what I’ve done and put a draft of “if I use it in different way, how can I do?”.

Put thought on the project first

I only can share my experience and I think you can do a better job than me. You already did, like you’ve thought of where we should add test and written in google docs. You have lots of notes in your google doc that will help our teams with your different POV.

Now we can so many tool like Jira, if you make good use of that and we three can keep track of your stuff in Jira and it’s good for you to improve yourself

I always think from different points of view to discover and fix issue is worthy. Some institutions cost a fortune for just providing a fully-fledged react course or JavaScript course. It’s like (don’t be serious) institution try to kidnap one’s time and money. If you can think independently, and have enthusiasm to wrestle it. It’ll be cool I think.

Also using good tools for learning is important. Time is different, the outdated way or dad’s pick up line won’t work on Michelle (or Hayley).

Now there is GPT, why not using GPT to help you learn new concepts. Remember to make your brain works.

I originally don’t have any idea or any piece of advise to give you. I assume that you can put “How you can find a better job within three months ”, and I put in your position to think how can I give my suggestions to reach this goal, and it works popped out in my mind.

How native speaks learn language

In my opinion, you need to find your own way for your react journey. Like how you picked up English. You now are master of spoken English no cap. However, reflect on this. Have you learnt that with very systematic way?

It may not, right? Perhaps you use your native language day in and day out, and lastly you fly out words with a perfect coherence and in melodic way.

you should turn you Dan persona into Danny to make it as hunting girl or to win the game. Yeah stop to be a nerd, arm with new mindset to approach new things.

Is it worth to buy Udemy course

I slightly feel you want to find some ways to seek for systematical way of learning react or next.js. That’s the reason you bought the udemy course, and how it it now? (genuine ask)

Daniel replied: I stopped with the udemy course temporarily, there is just so much to learn it is overwhelming so I have to make some sacrifices. My worry is that people expect me to know this react concept but I dont know it because I learned omnisend instead while working and i feel embarassed. At the same time, if I worry too much about react concept then I miss out on fully learning about omnisend integration and api. I think it is more realistic to realize you can't know everything and just get better at learning new concepts. That is why I want to get better at testing new concepts and asking a lot of questions. BTW, I am thankful that you are willing to listen to all my questions and help me.


Yes I appreciate you reassure me. Even though rejection might hurt that is not what usually makes me hesitate the most when approaching girls. I think it is more fear about my friend's judgement about me saying the wrong thing. To me, I perform best when I am allowed to do what feels naturally to me even if it might not be the right thing all the time. I still believe that when I am myself, more good will come even though I might say the wrong thing sometimes. Just like with everything in life, in the beginning we will make mistakes, be awkward, and cringe it is all a part of growing. I am just traumatized from family and friends in childhood about the treatment they give me after I do something wrong. I realized that their reaction is toxic and cruel, but I understand now that it is because of their own insecurity so I forgive them. However, that trauma still lingers. I care about my friends so I want to tell them about how I feel about putting myself out there even if I might say something cringe or disrespectful and I hope they can support me. Of course I dont want to be cringe or disrespectful on purpose but it is the way for me to grow and I hope that they trust that I dont want to be cringe or disrepectful but that it is nececessary to get over my mental block and be more confident in myself.

"Yes I appreciate you reassure me."

To reassure means to give someone confidence or a feeling of security and comfort by removing doubts or fears they may have.

In the sentence "Yes I appreciate you reassure me," the speaker is indicating that they appreciate the fact that the person they are speaking to is providing reassurance to them, likely to alleviate any concerns or doubts they may have had.

When I tell my friend I want to not really care about what others think of me, he said that he worries that I will act disrespectfully, but that is not necessarily true. For example, when I roast you or joke around with Tom, I dont mean it in a disrespectful way at all because you know how much I both respect you and Tom contributions. It is my way of getting closer to you guys and I appreciate that you guys dont' take it too seriously.

The only people who see it as disrespect sometimes are people who think too highly of themselves and can't take a joke but those are not the people I want to spend my time around. Of course, I might say something that goes too far sometimes and trust me I will recognize it and apologize immediately

If you can accept me for my worst, you deserve me when im at my best

The phrase "If you can accept me for my worst, you deserve me when I'm at my best" is often used to express the idea that someone's true worth can be seen by the way they handle and treat someone during their low points and not just when they are doing well or at their best.

It is essentially a way of saying that if someone can love, respect, and support you when you are going through tough times, then they are deserving of your love and appreciation when things are going well for you. The phrase emphasizes the importance of unconditional love and acceptance in a relationship and the idea that true love should be able to weather the storm, so to speak.

However, it is important to note that this phrase should not be used as an excuse for bad behavior or mistreatment. It is not an invitation to take advantage of someone's love and forgiveness. Rather, it is a reminder that relationships take effort and that we should value and appreciate those who are willing to stand by us through thick and thin.

He is one of my best friends so I think he will try to understand but if he doesnt it will be difficult to remain close friends with him because we just dont share the same values or perspectives anymore. I am at the point in my life where I find it very important to learn to be myself not just around friends but around strangers as well. To follow my own beliefs and values and live life the way I want to especially since I have not been able to fully for the last 24 years because I wanted to be safe and liked by everyone. This if my focus for personal development in 2023, to be confident in myself and I hope you can join me for my journey Han. Thank you for reading 🙂

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