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Frequently Asked Questions

Cover Image for Frequently Asked Questions
Chen Han
Chen Han

The questions frequently ask to chatGPT

I have a lot of questions that I would like to ask chatGPT in order to improve myself and my skills. These questions are related to English and web development, two areas that I am particularly interested in. By asking chatGPT these questions, I hope to gain new insights and knowledge that will help me in my personal and professional life. Whether it's learning how to communicate more effectively in English or gaining a better understanding of web development concepts, I believe that chatGPT can be a valuable resource for me. I'm excited to see what chatGPT has to offer and how it can help me to grow and learn.

Ask for metadata

I want to write a topic with respect to "Every core concept I need to know as a developer - Computer science". The metadata pattern is like the following. Can you help me to make a metadata regarding the topic i mentioned, and the date is today. Also, I want to have double quote since it'll cause some issues for single quote. Lastly, please give me a yml file like the following. The order should be title, description, excerpt, tags, date (should be today, and the format is YYYY-mm-dd), author, and ogImage. The author name should be "Han Chen". One last thing, don't change the cover image and author picture

title: 'code block'
description: 'Introduce myself.'
excerpt: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.'
tags: career
date: '2022-09-04'
coverImage: ''
  name: Han Chen
  picture: ''
  url: ''

Ask for paragraph

"I have so many questions want to ask chatGPT for my personal improvement and self-agrendisement as well. Specifically in English and Web development realm" Can you help me to write a paragraph based on the segment in the quote

Bookmark in Google Chrome

Modern/AI tool in Han's bookmark so far

Ask Midjourney

  • a skeleton with a vulture on its shoulder, fantasy, horror, realistic --ar 3:2 --v 4
  • a skeleton with a vulture on its shoulder, fantasy, horror, realistic --ar 3:2 --v 4
  • beautiful website for a procurement startup --v 4 --stylize 500
  • beautiful website for a procurement startup ui,ux ux/ux website --v 4 --stylize 500
  • make the photo in modern website for developer personal portfolio with black and neon colors --v 4
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