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Usecases and Errors in TypeScript

Cover Image for Usecases and Errors in TypeScript
Han Chen
Han Chen

Usecases and Errors usually in Typescript

type for filterIds

In the code below, the filter_ids value is extracted from the query parameters of the incoming request req. It first checks if req.query.filter_ids exists and is of type string, then it splits the string into an array using the split method, maps each element to a number using map, and casts the result as an array of FilterIds.

const filterIds: FilterIds =
      (req.query?.filter_ids as string | undefined)?.split(",")?.map((id: string) => +id) as FilterIds;

This code can be re-written in a more concise manner:

const filterIds: FilterIds =
      (req.query?.filter_ids as string)?.split(",").map(Number) || [];

Best practices for nullish coalescing and optional chaining in Typescript

The original code snippet is using optional chaining and the ternary operator to extract the first match from a regular expression on an optional string, and assign it to a variable that can either be a string or null. In typescript, it's recommended to use nullish coalescing and the optional chaining operator together for more concise and readable code.

let updatedAddress2 = address2?.match(/\d+/g);                  // might be an array or undefined
updatedAddress2 = updatedAddress2 ? updatedAddress2[0] : null;  // might be null or string

Recommended code:

const updatedAddress2: string | null = address2?.match(/\d+/g)?.[0] ?? null;

useEffect can only return Promise and undefined

useEffect(() => {
    if (status === "unauthenticated")
      // ❌ return router.replace("/");
  }, [status]);

Expected 0 type arguments but got 1

This error usually occurs when you try to pass a type argument to a function that doesn't accept any type arguments.

For example, if you have a function that is defined as follows:

function myFunction() {
  // function body

You cannot pass any type arguments to this function because it doesn't accept any.

So, if you try to call this function like this:

myFunction<string>(); // Error: Expected 0 type arguments, but got 1.

You will get the error Expected 0 type arguments, but got 1. because you're trying to pass a type argument to a function that doesn't accept any.

To fix this error, you need to either remove the type argument, or modify the function definition to accept the type argument.

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